Okay, That’s It. He Likes Redheads. I’m a Redhead and I Have Had Just About Enough.

December 12, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Blake Farenthold’s butt ugly picture made the front page of the New York Times today, and it isn’t for anything good, that’s for sure.


Oh, this is a mess.  Adventure after adventure in Farenthold’s congressional office that The Times calls Tawdry Tales.

When Lauren Greene, a former communications director for Representative Blake Farenthold, sued him claiming sexual harassment, among her complaints was that he “disclosed that a female lobbyist had propositioned him for ‘a threesome.’”

Mr. Farenthold, in legal documents, said that Ms. Greene had it wrong. The woman wasn’t a lobbyist, he said.

Oh well, that makes me feel  whole lot better.

Then the redheads.

In the office, the congressman was known to like redheads. In her complaint, Ms. Greene said Mr. Farenthold “regularly drank to excess, and because of his tendency to flirt, the staffers who accompanied him to Capitol Hill functions would joke that they had to be on ‘redhead patrol’ to keep him out of trouble.”

In their response, lawyers for Mr. Farenthold acknowledged that “some staff occasionally joked that Rep. Farenthold finds redheads attractive.”

This guy has lawyers?

Farenthold denies that it’s a problem.  Then why would his staff be joking about it?

Okay, maybe he has lawyers but they don’t like him none at all.

Here’s a heads up.  I spent the weekend in Austin meeting candidates.  One of the candidates I was really impressed with is Eric Holguin.  He’s running against Farenthold.  So, for the next year, I’m going to donate $5 (you can write it in) everydamntime Farenthold embarrasses Texas.

Thanks to Steve for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Okay, That’s It. He Likes Redheads. I’m a Redhead and I Have Had Just About Enough.”

  1. JJ, hope you have a few hundred set aside – $5 everydamntime Farenthold embarrasses Texas can run into big bucks.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself that’s mighty generous. The results could be in excess of $5,555,500,000/day depending on how one defines “embarrasses” or how one calculates the number of times Blake breaths per minute.

  3. Wyatt_Earl says:

    She’s safe. Now if she’d offered $5 per Gohmert idiocy . . .

  4. I generally don’t make fun of the way people look, but considering Farenthold’s comments it’s required here. I’ve seen his picture and he’s no George Clooney. So when he narrows down his preferred field to redheads, the smallest demographic for women’s hair color unless you include blue streaks, it doesn’t seem like he’s providing himself with any chance at all of, as Trump would put it, winning.

    Farenthold looks like he would have enough difficulty, winning, if he simply said he preferred females and stood in the middle of a pasture filled with grazing barnyard animals.

  5. The way Ducky’s been going, you might go broke.

  6. 1toughlady says:

    How much money do you have? Might as well send it all to Holguin right now, because Farenthold embarrasses Texas just by breathing–heavy breathing. 🙂

  7. Okay, that’s it. If I get anywhere near Capitol Hill, I’m taking a pitchfork with me to fend off any redhead-loving ducky boys. I’m no Marilyn Monroe, but I don’t think he can afford to be picky.

  8. This redhead says, let me meet him in a dark alley, please????

  9. This guy is a pig and his office sounds like a pigsty. If women are judged and hired on the basis of appearance, how come butt ugly men aren’t? New rule: men running for office have to be held to the same standards they apply to women.

  10. Does Bubba know that he’s going to need to be upping his caseload?

  11. Jack Patterson says:

    If I see those rubber duck pjs again….. Sorry, but I have this thing about redheaded. Two of my sons are red haired. Their heads are not red. We don’t have blondheaded people. Just my thing. I googled redheaded vs red haired and they don’t know either. The most site said redheaded is the same as ginger!
    Ahhh, feel better now.

  12. SteveTheReturned says:

    Bonus fact: Blake F.’s step-grandmother, Frances “Sissy” Farenthold, still dwells amongst us at age 91. Sissy (Vassar, UT Law) was a tough liberal lioness in the TX legislature, and a running buddy of both Ann Richards and Molly Ivins in older, much better times. Blake Farenthold’s long overdue downfall should be dedicated to her.

  13. So today, Blakey decided to imitate a congressman while AAG Rod Rosenstein testified in a committee hearing. After bloviating for a while when it came to be Blakey’s turn, he made this immortal comment: “Well, it’s time for me to quit beating this dead horse, so let’s move on to beat another one.”

    Dead or alive, Blakey … dead or alive?

  14. I was born blonde. While a very young toddler, one of the neighbor ladies asked, “((Zyxomma)), is your mommy’s hair natural?” (Mom was a vibrantly brilliant redhead.) I answered, “Oh, yes. She drinks carrot juice and tomato juice every day!”

    I, too, drank carrot and tomato juice daily, hoping to turn my honey blonde locks orange-red. It didn’t work; around age 5-6, I turned into a dark brunette. However, when my very long hair is in sunlight, it looks like dark copper wire (with the very occasional strand of silver).

    My redhead genes have had an effect in other ways: I do not respond quickly to anesthesia. When I visit the dentist, he gives me a Novocain shot and leaves the room, then comes back when I’m numb.

    If Ducky-boy ever hit on me or anyone I know, I’d put him down. Quickly and completely.

  15. “This guy has lawyers?”

    Hell yeah, he’s got lawyers!! What Republican doesn’t have lawyers in Washington? And multiple lawyers, too. Trump, Pence, Kushner, wife Ivanka, Manafort, Flynn, Gates, Sessions, Nunes, Preibus…!!!! Jebus! If you are a DC attorney and DON’T have a client facing indictment you’re just not trying!

  16. Steve Schlackman says:

    I didn’t pick up the the NYTimes until yesterday afternoon. When I saw that pig picture on the front page I lost it. While I was still at the store I had to text our fearless leader.

    Between PJ man and Moore yesterday was an amazing day.

  17. I’ve decided to send $5 to Randy Bryce every time I see Paul Ryan smirk. I’ll be broke before the new year.
