Oh Yeah, Now I feel Better

August 21, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Michele Bachmann.  (Cue the creepy background music.)

Advising Donald Trump. (Switch to the theme from Jaws.)

About foreign policy. (Bring on the blood curdling screams.)


michele-bachmann-nutsBefore the event, former Minnesota Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann said she has been advising Trump on foreign policy and issues of concern to Christian conservatives. She said Trump is right to call for more restrictive immigration policies.

“He also recognizes there is a threat around the world, not just here in Minnesota, of radical Islam,” she said. “I wish our President Obama also understood the threat of radical Islam and took it seriously.”

“Not just here in Minnesota?”  Oh hell yeah, Minnesota is the ground zero for terrorist attacks.

If you vote for Donald Trump, you get the added bonus of Michele Bachmann as Secretary of State.

Oh, by the way, Trump is still refusing to release his 2008 income tax, even thought it is past audit.  You know he’s either not a billionaire like he claims or that he pays no taxes.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Oh Yeah, Now I feel Better”

  1. Michele One-L fills me with dread (as well as amusing me sometimes).

    Have you helped a friend, neighbor, family member, colleague, congregant, or associate register to vote? Why not? Every election counts, but this one is crucial, critical on a level never before seen. We not only need to defeat Trump, we need to create a landslide for Hillary, take back the Senate, and chip away at the House. Register and VOTE.

  2. JAKvirginia says:

    What in hell is the vetting process for this campaign? ‘Not crazy enough’? Michele, honey, don’t worry yourself about radical Islam. There are plenty of good people in this country who want to get rid of you first. I’d lay low if I were you.

  3. Another reason for Trump to keep his tax forms a secret is that his charitable contributions are about the size of his weenie on those nude statues. Or maybe the size of his nadgers, i.e. there aren’t any.

    Can we get rid of the radical “Christians” who are a bigger threat to this country than Islam?

  4. Trump didn’t get much of a welcome here in Minneesotaa. Lots of VIP’s were no shows.

    Don’t let the republican’s do to the country;

    What they did to their party!

  5. So THIS is who he referred to, when he said he was being advised by people who knew more than the generals? BWHAHAHA

  6. WA Skeptic says:

    Who are these people that haven’t read the Constitution of the United States of America?? You know, THIS country?? The one they’re standing in the middle of ????

    WT everlasting F is this pigstuff???

  7. Marge Wood says:

    How about the radical nutty Christians? There’s plenty of them to go around, here in the USA. Fortunately there’s some good ones too.

  8. SallyinMI says:

    Michele is all full of herself because Boehner put her on the Intelligence Committee before she was forced out. She thinks she knows something about something. Trump is really dredging the bottom of the pool, isn’t he? About the only algae left is Palin, and she’s busy texting and FBing about how only Donnie can save America from the big bad evil liberals and their plans to make America work for everyone. Sigh.

  9. charles r. phillips says:

    Trump will NEVER release his tax returns, any of them. There are far too many black secrets revealed therein. If he opened them for all to see, he’s be trailing Jill Stein in a New York minute.

  10. If Michele Bachmann is advising Trump on foreign policy, I assume she means policy that is foreign (as in unfamiliar) to her. In my recollection of her previous statements, that would include just about everything.

  11. charles r. phillips says:

    For most people, any collision between the 1st amendment and the 2nd resolves in favor of the 1st, particularly that establishment clause. With Bachmann Turn ‘er Over, it’s the 2nd all the way, and Katie bar the door.

  12. oldymoldy says:

    This stuff has to be some kind of humor we’re just too simple to understand!

  13. Michelle Bachmann as Secretary of State? That would be about like putting Henry Kissinger in charge of southeast Asian refugee resettlement, or making David Duke the ambassador to Israel or Pamela Geller the ambassador to Saudi Arabia. Just when you think you’ve finally plumbed the depths of Trump’s unreason and illogic, he proves you wrong.

  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Say again how that ‘outreach’ program is going, Reince. Coyote Ugly with the women folks, eh?

    Here’s the thing Reince and Donnie. Instead of mansplaining, let us listen to the lady who co-authored a book with your newest campaign manager, Kellyann Conway. Celinda Lake said: “Donald Trump reminds women of the worst date they ever had. Forget dinner. She’s already on her way to the powder room.”

  15. Tilphousia says:

    Michelle Bachman is in the same algae pool as Sarah Palin. On the bottom of the pool. Those two are unerringly wrong. Good ole Michelle is married to a failed “pray away the gay” analyst. Please please someone save the country from Christian terrorists. Christians have been terrorizing communities for as long as there have been Christians. Next to them the Moslems are the new kids on the block. No terrorist should be tolerated. But to simply ignore Christian terror is ignorant and wrong. Neither of those women should be in politics. They are stupid, ignorant and cruel. No wonder trump wants them in his campaign.

  16. Scott, if Inhofe can be the chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works committee, there’s hope for every ape in Africa. (Hope for a spot in high government, though not a hope for their survival.)

    Another Incitatus– the horse that was named Consul by the mad emperor Caligula.

  17. Can’t Anonymous, some whistle blowers, or Julian Assange (oh, yeah, I forgot about him and his Russian buddies) tap into The Donald’s tax returns…anonymously? Where’s a leak when you need one?

  18. Minnesota’s legislature is split, Democrats have the Senate, snacilbupeR have the House, the governor is Democrat Mark Dayton. The Democrats would like to allocate more $ to positive programs for young Muslims. The Republicans won’t allow it. That’s very similar to the crap Congress pulls. Then the snacilbupeR complain about the radicalization of American Muslims.

    Can’t trust a snacilbupeR farther than you can throw them, if you’re willing to touch them.

    Crazy Michelle hasn’t embarrassed Minnesota for a couple years. I guess she thought it was time. We didn’t.

  19. AKLynne, I’ve been waiting for Anonymous to hack Scumpf’s returns and publish them. I think September 15th would be a good time.

  20. Linda Phipps says:

    Charles R Phillips … I think revealing his tax returns would further entrench his fervent supporters: they will be begging him for a book (in simple language and incomplete sentences) about how to cheat on theirs. Anything to thwart the big bad government.

  21. Siiiiiggghhhh! I’ve just seen in the past two days the video done by a Trumpite working with a “focus” group of people who were originally all the way with Trump but have since run as fast as possible to the other way. Their biggest concerns with Trump: basically not just his temperment but way beyond that to his mental health. They would like to see him get his bleep in order and behave as if he did not originate in a test tube but then again, could he really hold that all together through election day and if he succeeds, all the way through a term in the White House? They realize that he favors the uninhibited Trump under all circumstances and they just don’t think he can genuinely do that. He’s a narcissist through and through. Very telling that there was no mention of him releasing his taxes, even by force. This group knows thats never ever gonna happen in this lifetime. The focus leader went away with a sad face. Oh, sob.

  22. Y’all need to stop bashing Michele. Can you imagine what it’s like to be living an empty shell of a life, tethered to her beard Marcus? Don’t you know that if she’s not careful on a breezy day, she can turn her head the wrong way and people near her can hear the ocean?

    She’s just plugging along as best she can, given her limited intelligence and resources.

    We should be kind. She really can’t help it.

  23. Corinne Sabo says:

    He pays no taxes.

  24. All the Repuglican scum is rising to the surface and the stench is breathtaking.

  25. xavierbreath says:

    You mean Michele, the one who is married to “pray away the gay” Bachman? That one?

  26. Shelly’s right. All those damn Norwgian Muslims running around Minnesota screaming “Allah Uff-Dah”.

  27. “You mean Michele, the one who is married to “pray away the gay” Bachman?”

    apparently, it didn’t work for him. I’m still trying to figure out who Ms. Bachman had to blow, to pass the Bar Exam.

  28. Lunargent says:

    anneree –

    I assume the Flying Monkey Squadron’s target this time is the large Somali immigrant population. For some reason, the transplantation there took. Probably because there were, and still are, a lot of decent Minnesotans who welcomed them, and helped them establish a community.
