Oh Hell No

August 27, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh no, oh, NO.

Donald Trump is coming to strut around hurricane damage and where the damn fool tarnation do you think he’s going?

Oh yeah, his guide is gonna be Blake Stinkin’ Farenthold.

I am not kidding.  I wish the hell I were.

Ducky Boy says …

“I might be of a little bit of value to the president because I grew up in this area and can provide some context,” he added.

Sure you can, Blake, and Trump needs it.  “See this tree laying on the ground with no leaves on it?  Well, it used to be standing.  See this building with no front on it.  It used to have a front.  See that house with only the roof sticking out of the water? That water wasn’t there a week ago.”

Trump knows for damn sure he better not come to Houston.  He’d baptize him and not in the nice way.  Hell, if he sets foot in Houston, we’d have to skim nasty off the flood water for weeks and we just don’t have time.

So Trump is going to Corpus to talk about the size of his inaugural crowd.  Just what we need.


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0 Comments to “Oh Hell No”

  1. Charles R Phillips says:

    Hey, this way, both he and Blakey can jump in jammies and get their stupid on!

    Bonding with Congress, it’s what’s for dinner!

  2. Comment on one of the Houston stories in the WashPost:

    “I lived in Houston for many years…. Good people by and large but living in a state run mostly by imbeciles and crazies.”

    Which most of the “good people” voted for, I assume. Best wishes to the rest of you.

  3. JAKvirginia says:

    Now see, if we had that wall we coulda kept Harvey out. Those darn undocumented storms just coming in and trashing Murica! C’mon, you know he’s gonna talk about the wall. Right?

  4. I think it’s obvious why Portly Alfred E Neuman aka Ducky Boy was chosen for this honor. (Yeah, I just threw up a little in my mouth) He promised Donnie John Douchebag an intro to the young lady in the picture.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Conceivably Bleak Stranglehold and Orange Foolius could be useful as plugs in a sea wall. However, since the problem is routing water to the sea they’re about as useful as _____.

    Stay home, boys. Maybe send some money. But ultimately, just stay home. Any state suffering a disaster of this proportion does not need two tons of photo op seeking disasters the likes and proportions of you two.

  6. Where will Trump be handing out Play-doh?

  7. I feel for the people of Texas first Harvey now this ! You guys cannot catch a break, hurricane,trump what next the locust? Sorry

  8. The Blind* leading the Dumb**.

    *(no offense to those who are visually impaired, or comparison with Blake Stinkin’ Farenthold intended)
    **(no offense meant to the verbally impaired, or ANY implied similarity with Donald Trump)

  9. That picture hold be on the front page of every major newspaper along with Dump in the same pajamas.

  10. Tilphousia says:

    Maybe the two morons will walk into a sink hole and disappear forever. Ok,ok pleasant thoughts though. But, but does that mean that Texas gets a second disaster?

  11. The white house occupant can’t go Houston; Houston went for Hillary.

    JJ, how are you and yours holding up?

  12. Will Mayer says:

    But I read in the Guardian that “He would visit Texas, he [Trump] added, ‘as soon as that trip can be made without causing disruption. The focus must be life and safety.'” Well then, I sure have to hand it to you Texans. Who knew epic damage and safe recovery could be so…simultaneous.

  13. I haven’t read about any pastors or ministers saying this is god’s wrath for__________ . I ain’t either one, but I say it’s god’s wrath for those people that keep electing Blake Farenthold.

  14. Marge Wood says:

    Well, Trump and his limos will create a distraction. Maybe they can get him and his security guys to help haul out 2x4s and smashed cars.
    There’s something I’ve been wanting to say. Do you think Trump stands in front of the mirror at night, practicing looking mean and hateful and dictatorish? I wonder about these things. He didn’t use to look so grumpy.

  15. TexasEllen says:

    Corpus Christi missed the bullet of Harvey landing there. Now Just taking one for the team by being the least impacted by a Presidential visit and keeping Trump out of the hair of the folks who really do not need the hassle. Ducky Boy as tour guide is more than a bit much.

  16. Sam in St Paul says:

    Blakey is ready for the visit; he has knee pads and lubricant.

  17. Jane & PKM says:

    TexasEllen, you’ve given a whole new meaning to the phrase “just ducky.” Just when one thinks things cannot be any worse, Bleak Blubber and Dimwit Donnie blow into town. Just ducky!

  18. So Ducky Boy might be of little value to Trump. That is Bigly Yuge. It will be the first time he has been of value to anyone.

  19. Marge Wood: The only detail you missed was the ring of pictures bordering that full length mirror giving him inspiration. Il Duce! Benito Mussolini. From all angles, resplendent in all his mean, evil, hateful assholishness.

  20. @ Marge Wood and PP, I can tell you that Mussolini practiced in front of a mirror. A dear late friend of mine was a writer who was in Rome in the mid-1930s and saw Mussolini’s visit to a car show. Il Duce sat in one of the finer cars while the salesman went into his best spiel. My friend said that as Benito listened to the salesman and checked out the car, his face softened until he looked like some guy thinking about buying a car. Then he seemed to realize where he was, and snapped the Il Duce face back on.

  21. Fitting that he goes to Corpus. They seem to be full of his voters.

    Which is why I loathe that place.

    Why are so many of our coastal cities so damned ugly?

  22. Rhea: Thanks. A lot. Those are the kind of stories that need to be kept alive.

  23. Is it just me, or does Farenthold look like Alfred E. Neuman?


  24. My money says that the Barking Yam does it all by copter and looking down on the swimming survivors and the floating non-survivors. Hey. Why should he get his feet wet or come anywhere near real people (that includes Blakey-boy – sigh!) when he has this phobia about shaking hands ?
