Oh Bobby, You Got Punked

July 01, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Jindal

Somebody, probably everybody, on Bobby Jindal’s presidential conquest staff doesn’t understand Twitter.

Like a bunch of bozos, they decided that a #askbobby hashtag was a great idea.

If you tweet, click here.

If you don’t, or would just like to see the highlights, click here.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh Bobby, You Got Punked”

  1. Hollyanna says:

    Serious tactical error there, but highly entertaining. Way to step up–or, rather, step in it. Loving these GOP campaigns. More popcorn!

  2. When their constituents, consultants, and staff average age is 70 why should we expect them to figure out the twitter?

  3. My personal favorite, by PoliticalGroove: If you’re not a scientist when it comes to global warming how are you a doctor when it comes to women’s reproductive systems?

  4. JAKvirginia says:

    Supposedly BJ’s campaign isn’t responsible for this boner. Some PAC is. So not only are the R’s campaigns tactically lousy, so are their PAC’s. Somebody go and search for a bigger popcorn maker. We’re gonna need it. (I’ll bring the butter.)

  5. Well, the only pix I could find of BJ had a view odd cobalt blue shadow on one side of his face and I thought that was not only strange but unflattering and I certainly did not think he was responsible for it. Then I saw that smirk pix and I thought how much better he looked dyed in cobalt blue!

  6. Linda Phipps says:

    I love his campaign slogan “Tanned, Rested, and Ready”. Someone needs to start a new literary series called, “50 Shades Of Huh”, material gleaned from the annals of republidumdum.

  7. Well, those in the GOP just keep proving they’re not scientists. And that they’re not internet savvy. And that they have no common sense. Or sense. And that they have no clue about the people they claim to be interested in governing. And that they have no interest in the people they claim to be governing.

    Meanwhile, pass the popcorn. I’m taking bets on who steps in it next. My money is on Trump. Again.

  8. Mark Schlemmer says:

    I LOVE America! No where else in the known universe are there
    Republicans – the epitome of wacky, evil, boneheads. I just love it here. You Americans are precious and when I return to my planet I am going to ask Leader to spare you. No need to say thanks. Now, what is this thing you refer to as “popcorn?”
