No Words

September 14, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



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0 Comments to “No Words”

  1. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Well, one thing we can be pretty sure of is that there will never be a sex scandal involving Sean.

  2. Manboob Hannity’s couch where the tie dyed blond, white and clad in a skirt is de rigueur and cup size is their element that passes as diversity. All scamming Sean lacks is the hair and skirt.

  3. Is Hannity’s face getting longer?

  4. Yes, who better to understand prejudice and lack of opportunity in America than somewhat pretty blond women:

    “I still remember not getting to be Homecoming Queen my junior year in high school. The loss and disappointment will stay with me the rest of my life…”

  5. Looks pretty diverse to me—you got a slutty light blonde bimbo, a normal less-slutty blonde bimbo, a dirty-blonde bimbo, and a fourth dark haired bimbo on the far right.

  6. Now tell me is that the diverse panel? Not a judgement on blondes ( I was one when younger ) but really diverse?

  7. China white, Vanilla white, Cottonball white, Mayonnaise white, Lily white….

  8. Seven boobs on a couch. Hope this gets past mama

  9. Frank Farklestone: It’s not his face getting longer, it’s his nose. Some day Sean wants to be a real boy. And what is it with Sean’s? Hannity and Spicer, neither have great track records with the truth.

  10. It ISN’T JUST the ten boobs on the panel, it is the utterly negative collective IQ of the panel. Plus Hannity prolly thinks he has died and is living in an old man’ fantasy.

    Yo Hannity, jus so we’re clear, you haven’t had sex with these women, you aren’t having sex with these women, and you will never have sex with these women. Not even if you were the last living male in North America. Saint happening.

  11. What’s wrong with this picture?

  12. Sam in St Paul says:

    If Hannity got “lucky”, this would be a true case of ‘sleeping with the fishes’.

  13. BarbinDC: There’s A bimbo on the right side of the picture.

  14. I can’t see the panelists shorts. Maybe they were available immediately after the live on-air Hooters commercial?

  15. Mark Schlemmer, I wouldn’t be too sure about that.
    From 2007:×307547

  16. JAKvirginia says:

    Oh, it’s just FOX’s version of “The View”. Sean is their Whoopie.
    (Whoopie cushion, that is.)

  17. Origuy, what’s going on with Handsy’s pants in that photo?

  18. Thanks! I just blew a perfectly excellent cabernet through my nasal cavities onto my plate……

    Thanks, a lot! 😉 My nose enjoyed it anyway….

  19. Makes total sense to me. That panel consists of the only people who appeal to anyone who gets their opinions on race relations from Sean Hannity.

  20. @Rhea
    RE: “China white”
    Street name for fentanyl used as a heroin alternative.

    “Tomi Lahren” … Oh never mind, I see your point.

  21. Too busy guffawing at the absurdity of the picture. Four dimwit boobies all in a row and put together they may have a low double digit IQ.

  22. Sean should take more care not to appear in company of people who are so much smarter than he is.

  23. OK, y’all. Years ago I was told that diversity is strictly confined to the basis of gender, color or Miss Clairol. It also takes into account age, background, religion and political party preference as well as education. This also covers those “diverse” panels consisting of only men of one color. And there are others that will claim there is a difference between a panel and a focus group where the classifications listed here absolutely have to apply if the findings of the group are to be considered valid. which means the “diverse panel” created by Hannity is just hanging on by a broken fingernail. Next question – and momma I’m going to try to be diplomatic about this – did he choose these “panelists” based on his rating scheme as noted in his little black book?

  24. That’s “not confined”. Damn spell check!

  25. The diversity of Faux…

    And somewhere off in the distance…

    The sound of Tic Tacs rattling…
