Need Help

July 21, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Guys – we’re having some friend over for dinner and Trump watching tonight.  So…. if you have time (I don’t) see what you can make of this.


Screen Shot 2016-07-21 at 3.10.37 PM


Another link.

The funny part of this is that her name is McIver.


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0 Comments to “Need Help”

  1. Annabelle Lee says:

    And she’s been with the Trump Organization since September 2001. Want to take a running guess at her ostensible hire date?

  2. Meredith McIver aka Donald Trump

  3. McIver, like MacGyver, meaning she can put together a speech with some duct tape, a chopstick, a paper clip, and an empty TP roll?

    Just got back to town and I don’t know if you’ve mentioned it yet, but I hear there’s norovirus at the RNC. snacilbupeR are among the very few types I’d wish that disease on, and there’s hardly a more appropriate disease for the RNC than one involving copious vomiting and diarrhea. I wish Trump would get it so that he’d have to vomit repeatedly in the middle of his own speeches instead of just making the rest of us do it.

  4. She was probably paid well to take the blame. But I’m an ass so I don’t care as the one giving the speech should know better, as she should also have been listening to the competition as well. The wife lloks to be as dippy brained as the husband!

  5. Marge Wood says:

    You know, McIver may be starting a trend. I bet the smart son of Trump whipped that FB page together after his bowl of Captain Crunch this morning. Isn’t it kind of like when a five year old says his invisible friend did it? Or when his mommy says so sorry, she can’t make it, the doctor says she has to rest with her feet up, unless she needs to meet a friend for drinks…. Maybe it’ll go viral…

  6. The number of times it’s happened, you’d think the penny would finally drop that, these days, the question is not IF, but WHEN this crap is exposed.

  7. BarbinDC says:

    She works for the Trump Organization and the eagle-eyed folks looking at Election Law think she may have violated the law by working for the TO while writing campaign speeches.

    They really are Mole People.

  8. Nah, Cheryl’s Detective Agency found several of Trump’s books on Amazon, where she is listed as co-writer, from the early 2000’s.

  9. Rubymay says:

    Good one, Rhea! Thanks!

  10. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Never mind, she’s real. I think the misuse of his corporate workers for the campaign is the way to go, FenwayFran.

  11. JAKvirginia says:

    Susan? Dinner… with friends… watching the R-Con? Will you be serving Tums for dessert? And don’t forget those personalized airline barf bags!

    Have… um… fun.

  12. Fake? Hell, of course! Just like the entire bunch of dingbats!

  13. Tilphousia says:

    Lol. That bunch is so paranoid they would blame each other for absolutely anything papa doc decrees.

  14. john78745 says:

    Check out the google images for meredith mciver…same polka dotted top, same picture, same necklace but a black dress. I’m a big Joy Reid fan…I think she called this one spot on.

  15. Wapo has a collection of cartoons based on the snacilbupeR f**kfest. They’re very entertaining, especially the ones about Melania’s speech.

  16. So Trump believes in Law & Order unless the law says he can’t use corporate staff on his campaign.

  17. georgieporgie says:

    Has anyone else looked at McIver’s google-images and noticed that there she is, standing next to The Donald, in her black and white polka-dotted jacket over a BEIGE dress, carrying a brown purse, wearing a brown belt and whitish necklace. Then there are pictures of her on her own, in exactly the same stance, but now she’s wearing the same outfit over a BLACK dress. There are also pictures of her in the same outfit facing in the opposite direction.

    It doesn’t take a lot of experience to Photoshop all that… I can do it and I’m no expert! You’d think they’d Photoshop some different clothes on her and paste her head on someone else’s body in different positions maybe?

  18. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    So, Donnie has taken on a new identity. Forgot what his pseudonyms were when he was phoning in as a ‘journalist.’ But Ms. McIver seems a suitable name for Donnie.

    I’m waiting for the release of Melania’s new book, “The Art of the Rolling Pin” describing her encounter with Donnie’s noggin for subjecting her to this latest embarrassment.

  19. e platypus onion says:

    That was fun knee, Debbo. 😉

  20. Lunargent says:

    A real person, and minion. It would be hilarious if Donald were prosecuted for using corporate employees on his campaign. But considering how toothless the FEC is, I wouldn’t count on it. Besides, the Trumps would probably claim she offered the speechwriting help for free, as a “friend” of the family.

    Poor woman – what a miserable existence she must lead. I’m sure her “co-writing” duties on the books consisted of taking Trump’s semi-coherent, fragmented ramblings and transforming them into something readable – no mean feat. And I doubt that she got much of a cut of the royalties, considering she’s still apparently on payroll.

  21. bud maone says:

    Fact check Mrs. Trump resume. She is not a university graduate as she claims.

  22. Gary St.Arnauld says:

    Looking at a photo of “McIver”, she looks just like Carol Burnett.

  23. e platypus onion says:

    Was the friend you had for din-din well done or rare?
