My Local Republican Party is Dopey

August 14, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember the cold war when the Republicans were hollering “Better dead than red!”

Yeah, well, I do, too.  I think they changed their mind about that.  So, what time is better than now to remind voters that Republicans have gone all Russian commie on us?



Is anybody else’s county Republican Party using anything else that damn dumb?


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0 Comments to “My Local Republican Party is Dopey”

  1. easttxdem says:

    I think they have it right, ‘cept for leaving the “S” off “red.”

    Isn’t it going to be fun when the goobers find out they are going to have to learn to speak Russian and and see signs written in Cyrillic? And, they are so pissy about Espanol.

  2. This ad paid for and approved by Citizens for Vlad.

  3. Lunargent says:

    No, it’ll all be fine, cuz see, they’re White Russians.

  4. And these people roam around free with no supervision.

  5. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Would that be Erik The Red or Fredrick I (Barbarossa) of the Holy Roman Empire?

  6. slipstream says:

    So, old slipstream went out to the street corner today and checked his US mail. And lo and behold, the NRA had sent him a membership card! Of course, the NRA expects slipstream to send them a nice contribution because he is so thrilled to have his very own membership card. Good luck with that, NRA.

  7. Amazing when russia was in nominal thrall to a utopian philosphy (failed but utopian by design) that philosphically promoted equallity of all peoples, decent living conditions, education and brotherhood the thugs abhorred all things russian and were all better dead then red.
    Now that putin is promoting greed, murder, kleptocracy while using theocratic support from captive delusional sect ( russian orthodox) the thugs cannot get enough of putin nor can they avow their felitiy often or loudly enough.
    Shows that the thugs true religion is money and power and the delusional are used, and played, as fools to support hell here on earth while awaiting a mythical reward in some fantasical after life.
    Putin is taking Leenin’s opinion that the capitalist’s would sell the ussr the tools they needed to end capitalism.
    Except in putins hands that means the west will sell the shovels that putin needs to bury them.

  8. Slipstream, if they included a postage paid envelope, send it back. That way, they’ll have to pay for it.
    Are you wondering how you got on their list or did they send it to everybody?

  9. I don’t know when it’s more concerning, when they use Red in their slogans, or White.

  10. Over the years I have gone to the post office and got them to stop unloading mail from certain organizations into my pristine mail box. Its not a big deal. Actually it was one or more things some postal carrier didn’t have to deal with on the route.

  11. Notice that they have adopted the red white and black color scheme. Reminds me of how close they are to Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer crowd.

  12. I don’t understand the stupidity in that sign. Is Red the actual name of some GOP fool who is running for office? It makes no sense otherwise…or even then.

  13. Cole’s got it, Hitler’s own design using the Imperial German tricolor from the past. And they’re eagerly awaiting putting Hakenkreuzs all over as soon as they get a chance:
    (pssst, check the link in my sig, heeeeee’s BACK!)–45)

    “After the Nazi Party came to power on 30 January 1933, the black-red-gold flag was swiftly scrapped; a ruling on 12 March established two legal national flags: the reintroduced black-white-red imperial tricolour and the flag of the Nazi Party.[31][32]”

    “The design of the Nazi flag was introduced by Hitler as the party flag in mid-1920: a flag with a red background, a white disk and a black swastika (Hakenkreuz) in the middle. In Mein Kampf, Hitler explained the process by which the Nazi flag design was created: It was necessary to use the same colours as Imperial Germany, because in Hitler’s opinion they were “revered colours expressive of our homage to the glorious past and which once brought so much honour to the German nation.” The most important requirement was that “the new flag… should prove effective as a large poster” because “in hundreds of thousands of cases a really striking emblem may be the first cause of awakening interest in a movement.” Nazi propaganda clarified the symbolism of the flag: the red colour stood for the social, white for the movement’s national thinking and the swastika for the victory of the Aryan peoples over the Jewry.[37] Several designs by a number of different authors were considered, but the one adopted in the end was Hitler’s personal design.[38]”

  14. The Surly Professor says:

    Quoth maryelle:

    “Slipstream, if they included a postage paid envelope, send it back. That way, they’ll have to pay for it. Are you wondering how you got on their list or did they send it to everybody?”

    That’s been my go-to procedure for decades. Unfortunately a few years ago the USPO agreed to not charge businesses for people who taped the envelope to a box to send back bricks, remodeling debris, and old spare tires. (Although before that rule, the Republican Party did get at least two old tires that way. Not saying they were from me, but they were from a close relative I lived with … when I lived alone.) However, you can definitely send back the original mailing material like envelopes, donation cards, etc. The extra benefit is that they end up paying the USPO for that postage, while Republicans have wanted to eliminate the post office for at least 40 years now. Just be sure to avoid returning things like old ammunition, pesticides, or severed human heads – those violate the USPO rules.

    Again quoth maryelle:
    “Are you wondering how you got on their list or did they send it to everybody?”

    I have not received any beggings from the NRA. But I did receive a letter from the California lawyer shop trying to “defend” the doofus who produced the hacked and edited video “proving” that Planned Parenthood was selling baby parts for profit. Anyone else get that? Because the GOP and related right wing nut cases stopped asking me for anything years ago. Maybe they’re still chewing on those two spare tires. But like maryelle, I’m curious if any other habitues of the salon here got pinged.

    One more thing about unsolicited mail requesting donations. In the past I would write a check for $0.01, since (a) it cost them more than 1 cent to process it, and (b) it tended to keep me on their mailing lists, making them waste even more moneyon postage.

    BTW: what the California anti-choice folks did get back in their postage-paid envelope was a note saying that their doofus only proved that if you get enough footage, you can edit it to make seem like *any* claim has been established. And that while I would love to donate to them, neither my wife nor I had change for a nickel handy.

  15. Kind of strange how the Reptaliban have fused two deadly opposite ideologies, Nazism and Communism (which, practically, are not much different) into a weird cultist movement under RAT45, bent on subverting our entire nation.
    We’ve fought many major and minor conflicts against those failed ‘isms’, and these cretins want to resurrect the worst parts of them right here in the USA.
    MAGA my ass, you evil scumsucking slimy writhing MAGAots.

  16. slipstream says:

    Surly Professor: then what, exactly, should I do with my collection of severed human heads?

  17. Sandridge: reading Eric Hofer’s The True Believers, and some other stuff; in fact the nazi and communist membership was and is interchangeable. The thought process is what counts.

    Recall how both nazis and communist minds where whiplashed by the non-agression treaty of 1939, followed by Operation Barbarossa.

  18. Slipstream,open a head hunters’ museum right next to a Rethuglican candidate’s HEADquarters.

  19. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Dumb Local Rethuglicans – are actually inviting supporters to join ‘The Red Wave’…….Golly, I wonder where that phrase was stolen from?

    I have recently received not only the NRA invitation, but also a certificate from one of our useless US SenateVarmints congratulating me for being ‘a leading conservative’ in my teeny-tiny little town. (Sound of immoderate laughter…)

    Fortunately, it came with a postage-paid envelope, which I promptly stuffed with 3 ounces of pages from my latest Sierra Club magazine…just so they’ll have to pay the extra postage.

    If these guys weren’t so dumb, I’d probably dislike them intensely. Oh, wait…

  20. For such as NRA letters or similar I just send thoughts and prayers in their postage paid envelope .

  21. Back in the 2012 presidential election when Mitt Romney (remember him?) was running against Obama, one of our local nutcases had a big professionally made sign on his lawn that said “Better a Mormon than a Muslim.” Meaning, I guess, the lesser of two evils. Or something.

  22. Ya know, when TV news colored GOP wins red and Democratic wins blue back a few elections ago, I wonder if they knew something and were trying to tell us. I found it ironic that the party that made such a yooge deal out of commie-hating suddenly got dyed red. Now I’m past irony and into disgust.

  23. I occasionally get entreaties from the NRA beseeching me to join. Best I can figure is that it’s because I subscribe to Texas Parks & Wildlife magazine. (Nice mag, BTW.) They must figure that with the word ‘wildlife’ in the title I must be out there stalking it.

  24. UmptyDump says:

    Sounds like the Fort Bend Republicans have a nifty tune to go along with their logo.

  25. Paul, I love it! Thoughts and prayers on an index card, and send back in their envelope. If only someone (besides charities) would send me some junk mail…..

  26. Mary O'Grady says:

    Is there some way to send a check for this great effort via snail mail?
    Thank you.

  27. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Yes, Mary, you can send it to Democrats, PO Box 785, Richmond, Texas 77406 And, thank you!
