
July 10, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember when we used to have The Daily Louie honoring the proud ignorance and Olympic level hypocrisy of Texas Congressvarmint Louie Gohmert? Well damn, y’all, he’s going for two-fers now.

Louie! #1

The boy filed a false report at the Ethics Commission, conveniently leaving off $17,000 in last minute contributions right before the primary.  Oh yeah, we have proof and so does the Ethics Commission.

Louie! #2

Louie has decided there’s a difference between right and wrong and by golly, he’s always right and by pure lucky happenstance so are all other Republicans.

He’s defending Jim Jordan.  And, as usual, it’s all a big plot by Hillary Clinton.  I’m not kidding you.

First, though, you have to read this.

“Jim Jordan is a fine and decent person who has a lifetime history of being honorable and honest, unlike his accusers whose extremely troubled backgrounds and ongoing legal and financial troubles place the veracity of their allegations into the realm of ridiculous,” he said.

Yeah, Jordan is being accused by herds of crazy people. And do you know who is getting these men to talk about Jordan?  Of course, you do.

Gohmert hinted that there was a larger conspiracy since one of the law firms investigating the allegations, Perkins Coie, is affiliated with Democrats including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and former members of Congress.

“They were recently paid by Hillary Clinton and the DNC as a pass-through entity to hire Fusion GPS to concoct the salacious and unverified Russian dossier at the heart of the Clinton team’s attempted take-down of President Trump,” Gohmert said in his statement.

And then the next thing you know, he says he would not be shocked if cash payments had not already been made to the accusers “to purchase a drive-by character assassination of beloved conservative Republican Congressman Jim Jordan.”



Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen and Kyle for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Louie!”

  1. Louis has picked a perfect law firm to jack with. Perkins Cole interns are far enough up the legal ladder to handle befuddled Louie. Partner Harry Schneider represented Osama bin Laden’s alleged bodyguard. See Hamdan v. Rumsfeld. The pressure Louie represents could be measured on a fart scale.

    G-d is Louie inconsequential!

  2. I’ve said it before, “Louie is so far around the bend that he meets himself coming.”

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Loopy Louie, Poster Boy for reducing the size of the House by 10% every year, until it actually functions and/or registers positive on a EEG.

    Micr? Hope you had an incredibly wonderful weekend as you seem most relaxed this Monday morning and incredibly kind toward Louie.

  4. @Jane & PKM,
    Sorry. I didn’t mean to seem kind to Louie. He remains an inconsequential cockroach imho.

    And thanks I did have a fine weekend. The birthday season has begun and Stately Micr Manor will celebrate two 65th birthdays and several more youthful birthdays between July 10 and August 29!

  5. What ever Louie is saying about Jordan is probably a ficticious story. Maybe Louie and Jordan will leave in disgrace together. We should be so lucky.

  6. The Stoopid, It BURNS!!!

  7. Louie certainly has a way with words:

    … a fine and decent person who has a lifetime history of being honorable and honest, unlike his accusers …

    Nice segue Louie! Now, what about these accusers? Tell me more!

  8. Yeeesh! He’s just like the Golden Gibbon in too many ways. Both sound like they will sidle up to the bar and say whatever it takes to get themselves laid!

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    maggie, did I miss some variety of “be kind to Louie day” announcement? First Micr, now you, being all too kind to Louie. Not that either of you said anything flattering about Louie (could anyone?), but …. “say whatever it takes to get themselves laid” and “G-d is Louie inconsequential!” range between facts not in evidence and high praise toward Louie. 😉

  10. Loonie Louie the Louse irritating America since 2005

  11. Jordan is a perv. Since Loooooie says he’s “honorable” what does that tell us about how Loooooie feels about his gohmerts?

  12. crab legs louie strikes again !!

  13. Jane and PKM, I had to make a solemn vow to my family (at their request) that I watch my mouth and my mind lest they have to bail me out some day and then take their damn time doing it! Imagine! Doing a solemn vow! Me, a little old silver haired granny they think is dangerous!

  14. Pia Holm says:

    See what I mean? Crowe = Louie.


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