
August 22, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, it’s our favorite growling poodle, Louie Gohmert, Republican congressvarmint from deep east Texas.

Louie went on Fox News and explained trigonometry and performed brain surgery right there on the damn teevee, by gawd.

And then, as an encore, he attempted to one-up noted Republican scholar and part time congressman Bryan Zollinger by explaining Charlottesville.

Gohmert even claims there are “witnesses” who saw KKK and Black Lives Matters protesters get off the same buses in Charlottesville, implying they were simply paid actors by Democrats. Gohmert urged Trump to appoint an independent counsel to investigate Democrats, even though presidents do not, and cannot, appoint independent counsels.

Oh Honey, there’s movies.  Of course there’s movies.  And as a bonus, Louie explains how he could have saved America in 2005 but “they” wouldn’t listen to him.


Oh thank you, thank you, thank you for Louie Gohment who always puts things in perspective.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up. 

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0 Comments to “Louie!”

  1. I’m not going to listen to Louie. It’s bad enough reading what he “thinks.”

    A fantasy novel set in a sort of monastery said that when someone there did something really bad, they had to memorize a chapter or more from a book that deliberately made no sense. Anyone assigned chapter six was likely to come out permanently damaged. Louie is about chapter eight here, and I’m not risking it.

  2. Thank you Louie, listening to you always makes me know I am in the right and you? What planet are your from? Witnesses saw kkk and Black Lives Matter demonstrators on the same bus, these are the witness who saw people cheering when the Twin Towers come down. I am now thinking these people were probably on a bus from Massachusetts who voted in New Hampshire. Shaking my head, getting light headed too.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Listen to Louie? You are funny, Mrs. B.!

  4. The KKK & Black Lives Matter people arrived on the same bus, and barricades were set up to funnel those opposing groups together??? Sounds like they were pre-funneled Louie, if they were already on the same bus.

    He must have shuffled his 3×5 cards with the plot line from this interview mixed in with another one. But apparently no one listens to his words anyway, since they keep voting for him.

  5. AlanInAustin ... says:

    Every time that guy shakes his head I listen for something to rattle inside.

  6. Lupe Lou has already been taken by the Righteous Brothers song. But Loopy Lou is available.

  7. Windows doesn’t treat Louie very well. He repeatedly gets that ID 10 T system error followed by a BSoD.

    Justin Time at the Help desk can’t fix the prob cause there are screws loose about 10 inches above Louie’s keyboard.

  8. Fred Farklestone says:

    Are Louie’s ears getting bigger?

  9. Louie just has to stay out of the way of random dust falling from them glittery horses with a spiral horn coming out from between their ears.

  10. When voters don’t participate in the political process, “You will be governed by an inferior”. Louie, in spades.

  11. I never knew about Louie until I started reading here. But I saw him on TV before this last one and I swear, Juanita Jean has been right on all this time.

  12. JAKvirginia says:

    And apparently these “witnesses” do not have cell phones with cameras or they don’t know how to use them. El Gee’s statement assumes facts not in evidence. And this person was a judge?!!!!

  13. My friend had a dog named Louie who was way smarter than The Pride of East Texas.

  14. Was a judge. I would pay $$ to know how that happened, what his rating was when he was on the bench, and why the hell he decided to run for a seat in Congress. Maybe the squirrels in his head weren’t getting enough peanuts!
