Let Me Put This In Simple Spanish: No Pagaremos Por La Barrera!

February 25, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mexico ain’t gonna pay for the damn wall.

This ain’t difficult.  They are not paying.  Trump had a 50 minute phone conversation with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto last week.

Peña Nieto was planning a trip to the US but has cancelled it because Trump might steal his wallet and build the wall. Then Peña Nieto couldn’t get back home.  Because there’s a damn wall.

Here’s Trump’s reasoning.

One Mexican official said Trump “lost his temper.” But U.S. officials described him instead as being frustrated and exasperated, saying Trump believed it was unreasonable for Peña Nieto to expect him to back off his crowd-pleasing campaign promise of forcing Mexico to pay for the wall.

Holy damn cow. What a narcissist! Yeah, it’s Peña Nieto’s job to keep Trump’s insane campaign promises. You know, especially one that’s insulting to his country and they can’t afford any more than we can.

But I tell you what, I’d pay good money to watch Trump try to debate former Mexican President Vicente Fox.


He don’t take no crap off no bullies.

PS – Please feel free to correct my Spanish in the headline.

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0 Comments to “Let Me Put This In Simple Spanish: No Pagaremos Por La Barrera!”

  1. I swear its like driving a car around with a huge hole in the muffler, promising the neighbors you’d get your mechanic to fix AND pay for it—-then being mad when the mechanic looks at you like you’re a crazy sewer rat.

  2. Trump is so accustomed to getting something for nothing, he probably thought Mexico would pay for the wall.

    * Trump pays no taxes, so we pay his share
    * Trump puts up buildings without his own money, then takes the tax break when rentals or business models fail
    * Trump’s a walking, Tweeting lawsuit, and who’s gonna pay for it? Republicans!

  3. I don’t know what the Spanish translation of the great Scottish term of endearment Weaselheaded F**nugget is, but I imagine it sounds wonderfully sophisticated, yet playfully festive.
    Oh, and Walker County Democrats, Come on in! The water’s fine!!!

  4. It is gratifying to see world leaders standing up to this disgusting bully. He’s not used to hearing “NO!”, so he refuses to believe it.
    Pray for a blue tsunami!

  5. This is in part the result of the moral failure to call him on his bs from birth.
    For years he has gotten away with his sideshow act because he was more trouble then he was worth to correct.
    Even the NY legal system ( NJ as well and others) has surrendered at one time or another because with his legal budget and scorched earth tactics it was just a cost benefit decision to let the clown go.
    Now the entire world is faced with the result of that moral failure.
    The job of disipline and teaching him common courtesy and civilized behavior has fallen to world leaders, and Florida students. His children are of the same rude, crude and irresponsible mold.
    This is a result of society rewarding those who are obnoxious because people can’t be bothered when faced with a twerp who because of abysmal parents and failure education grow to become total doofus’s incapable of recognizing reality.
    Mexico will never pay for a wall, except perhaps to keep him out but then the US would have to pay.
    But considering the failures of our system in allowing this whack job to rise out of his families traditional home in a moral and cultural septic tank.

  6. If you don’t already, you should follow Vicente Fox on Twitter. His comments re Trump are fantástico y muy divertido.

  7. The cost/benefit analysis under which NY and NJ failed to go to the mat with Trump was short-sighted. They should have looked at the long-term costs. Cleaning up after a nuclear war, for example – or simply the cost of viewing Trump’s scams on a one-by-one basis.

  8. And if you have the IQ of an amoeba you knew that Mexico “No Pagaremos Por La Barrera!”

    So NOW, as we knew all along, Kim Jong Drumpf wants the snacilbupeR in Congress to come up with a way and a means to PAY for his gd wall. And like as not they will because they have what they have always wanted: a snacilbupeR POTUS and a snacilbupeR majority in both chambers. I hope that political orgasm ends for them in November, 2018. And I hope they have neither until every single one of these currently serving glass bowl snacilbupeR are Dead and forgotten.

  9. El Bolillo says:

    Another way would be , “No pagarémos a tu muro, güey.” ( i added the last word based on supposed intent)

  10. slipstream says:

    Remember? Trump will start building thel wall on day 1. Such a beautiful wall. Really, nobody builds better walls than Trump.

    Today is day 401 of the Trump administration and he hasn’t done diddly squat.

    Played a lot of golf, though.

  11. In the film “El Norte,” two kids in Guatemala are coached by their grandfather how to sound like Mexicans when they cross the US border, because then if they get caught they’ll just get dumped in Mexico instead of all the way back in Guatemala. “Ask me to pass the salt, like a Mexican…. No, no. You have to say, ‘Pass me the chingada salt.'” “Chingada” is the f word, and apparently Mexicans throw it around rather freely, according to Guatemalans. The kids do get caught, and the boy erupts in chingadas all over the place, which convinces the border cops that the kids are authentically Mexican.

    So… I think I’m quoting Vicente Fox almost exactly when I say, “No pagaremos por la chingada barrera!”

  12. PP, the closest I can get is Pinche Comadrejita.

  13. @Rhea

    Just like our Japanese and Korean allies had and have so much fun punking the round eyes, so do our Spanish speaking co-workers, friends, and family have their fun punking the Anglos…

    for example, during the time of Roots on the electric tv when the search was on for Kunta Kinte, a Hispanic friend assured us straight-faced that his momma sought her long lost relative from Mexico, Pinche Puto.

    And the guy at my work who assured several Anglo male adults who should have know better that his expletive “chingada madre” was no worse than one of our “damn”s or “sh!t”s.

    Knowing the workplace language is critical for workplace survival.

  14. Linda Phipps says:

    Thank you El Bollilo – you had me intrigued enough to look up Spanish, Mexican insults/swear words. I always strive to improve my education. I am a better person for it.

  15. Thanks for Weaselheaded f***nugget. I will add that to other endearing Scottish terms such as hoofwanking bunglecunt and cockwomble.

  16. “Hoofwanking”…. I’m trying to picture that and coming up with an image of somebody who REALLY can’t get anything done right.


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  1. Let Me Put This In Simple Spanish: México No Pagará Por La Pared! – NEWSFUZZ 28 02 18
  2. Let Me Put This In Simple Spanish: México No Pagará Por La Pared! – Liberal View News 28 02 18