Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go To Jail

May 26, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Bundy Brothers, Ammon and Ryan, and their band of misfits aren’t taking too well to jail.  It seems that their little 41 day standoff with federal officials landed them a fistful of felonies and some time the pokey awaiting trial.

You will be shocked, shocked I tell you, to learn that some of their constitutional rights are being violated in jail.  And holy cow, those fellas can whine.

They get more time in the law library, extra clean towels to knell and pray, special Mormon underpants, and, get this! “MCSO is willing to consider permitting inmates to have a solid-state device like an iPad” available in their cell.

But that’s not enough.  They want unmonitored and unlimited internet access and a damn gun.

Nope, I am not kidding you.


Ryan Bundy

“My rights are being violated. My right to life is being violated. All of my First Amendment rights are being violated. My right to freedom of religion is being violated,” Ryan Bundy wrote in a supporting statement. “My Second Amendment rights are being violated. I never waived that right. My Fourth Amendment rights are being violated.

Dude, you fought the law and the law won.

Thanks to Bryan for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Just When You Thought It Was Safe To Go To Jail”

  1. Welfare queens one and all.

    Most jails do not allow sex toys inside the picket walls. In jail, these welfare queens will not be allowed a handgun of any sort, regardless of its dreamy barrel length .

  2. Sam in San Antonio says:

    Does he want conjugal visits by his wives or livestock? Why do Mormons get extra towels to help them ‘prey’? I’m sure Muslims and adherents of legitimate beliefs don’t get an accommodation.

    Wait until the brothers find they have been elected Prom Queens without their input.

  3. Wyatt Earl says:

    Obviously too much of his 21st Amendments rights.

  4. daChipster says:

    Ryan got his head run over by a car when he was 7 years old, which led to the nerve damage afflicting his face.

    But the brain damage? That’s hereditary.

  5. Marcia in CO says:

    They must think they are staying at Trump Towers or some such place!! LOL

  6. Marcia wins the Internets today

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Sam, pardon me for being ignorant, but, doesn’t the Prom Queen’s “input” usually come from a guy or two or three.

    Ladies please-this is meant as snark only and not to disrespect women at all.

  8. I LOLed at this story as much as anyone, but I think this does provide a fairly significant insight into the mind-set of these people. They really do live in their own worlds that are far more removed from you and I than a 3-year-old’s would be.

    And for every one of them that finally got himself locked up for his BS there are about 100 running around free.

  9. e platypus onion says:

    Some of Drumpf’s hotels are gun free zones. Pick carefully Bundy.

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Poor boys! With multiple charges come multiple sentences. Their toes and fingers might not be up to the challenge of adding up all those numbers. Given the likelihood of them annoying the judge, they will be needing a calculator to figure out what all those numbers mean. Should be enough years for even those special snowflakes to eventually come to the conclusion of how special they are not. Yep. Figure by Christmas #4 or 5, those boys will have their back numbers memorized and have learned to spell inmate.

  11. eyesoars says:

    Felonies? Those are like traffic tickets, right? Why can’t they just see the judge and get out?

  12. treehugger says:

    @Alan, you are exactly right. These are scary people.

  13. maryelle says:

    Those boys ain’t right.

  14. Aggieland Liz says:

    Hmmm. Seems like the word “consequences” doesn’t exist in the Bundy vocabulary!

  15. Oh, the humanity! Oh, ****!!!

  16. The big Buck has stopped for the Bundy brothers…….or maybe not.

  17. Popcorn sales must be through the roof.

  18. #TFP

  19. Numnuts.

  20. UmptyDump says:

    Somebody needs to back up a horse to Ryan Bundy’s right side and let that horse give him another big kick in the head. It’ll help untwist his crooked face and maybe his twisted brain as well.

  21. Elizabeth Moon says:

    If they’d violated those boys’ “right to life” they’d be dead.

    Which, yanno, wouldn’t bother me a bit.

  22. Elizabeth Moon says:

    And Mrs. Robinson, my 12th grade English teacher would give me an F for having a pronoun not properly identified with its noun. If law enforcement had violated those boys’ “right to life,” those boys would be dead.

    Somebody should tell ’em–you’re breathing, so your right to life isn’t violated.

  23. Their daddy thinks he’s entitled to anything he wants free from the government, so it figures that his boys would have the same attitude. Somebody should have said “No, you can’t, and this is why” a whole lot more to all of them.
