It’s Time to Practice Our Irony Skills, Y’all.

February 23, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I do not want your irony skills to get rusty while we’re living in the Land of Alt Truth, so here ya go —


Now lemme see, who would that be?

Thanks to Mike for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “It’s Time to Practice Our Irony Skills, Y’all.”

  1. mmmpfh! I’m stumped. guess you got me on this one!

  2. Good one! This could also join the Friday Toons!

  3. Self awareness is not a common skill amongst those who watch and appear on Fox. Trump supporters in general have limited ability to see themselves as they are.

  4. ROFL, Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself! O’Lielly isn’t exactly a bastion of truth or reasoning skills. While the average snacilbupeR voter isn’t exactly a member of MENSA. “Repeal Obamacare, but keep your hands off our ACA and Medicare.”

    Irony? Jane keeps me sane and from printing out “D’OH” stickers for the snacilbupeR. Jane has a great point – if we plastered the offending suspects, they’d become traffic hazards due to decreased visibility.

    It’s a real challenge to speak sanity to snacilbupeR who have continued to vote against their OWN interests since Nixon or before. Seriously. We do appreciate the frustrations of the Tea Baggers of today. So, how do we move forward, including them, while at a minimum educating them to how they are metaphorically shooting off all 20 of their own digits? With all due apologies to Six Toes and the afflicted in Tommie Traitor Cotton’s state, Texas with ‘Senator’ Raphael Crooze of highly questionable citizenship and the ever increasingly insane Louie Gohmert gerrymandered voters, at what point do they grab a clue and/or we move forward without them?

  5. e platypus onion says:

    Bit of bad news from Fox- staunch Liberal Alan Colmes passed at 66 today. The one voice of reason they had on that network.

  6. Ray in Jerrytown says:

    Doubly ironic timing for those of us that listened to Think (Kris Boyd) yesterday.

  7. charles phillips says:

    Wow. Just…wow.

  8. JAKvirginia says:

    Jane & PKM: “So, how do we move forward…?”

    We can start by stop talking to them like they are deep thinkers. Had a short conversation with a RWNJ the other day who was “glad” that #45 was deporting “all them illegals”. “Good”, I said, “and I hope you’ll be glad to pay $2 or $3 a pound for tomatoes come Summer!” “Why?”, came the reply.
    “Well who the hell do you think will be picking them?”, I said. And I left them with that thought.

    Y’see, we here can connect the dots. We here can go beyond our own little personal bubbles and expand our thoughts outward. They need help to do that. Like the old adage “What do I have to do? Draw you a picture?” Sadly, yes.

  9. Fox News.
    In charge of their hen-house viewers.

  10. got to admit, i figured this was photoshopped. I looked and it’s the real deal. Billo is as clueless as he looks.

  11. Recently George Will was on MSNBC…
    Faux News had to ditch him for being too critical of the 45 agenda. Will left the GOP…
    When you Faux gets too silly for the “old” right…

  12. Psssstt – dude.
    Behind you – behind your left shoulder.
    You’ve been outed!

  13. JAKvirginia, good thoughts and words. Also maybe we should “plant” some people in these town halls to ask the the obvious question of the nouveau ACA aficionados – how many of them voted for the snacilbupeR maroons and Orange Foolius.

    “Talking” to the Donnie remorse crowd cannot happen without slapping them around a bit. Their “Du’h” should come with consequences. Yeah, “I feel their pain,” but it’s nothing compared to the pain their st00pid has inflicted on our country in the personage of Donnie, his cabal of bomb throwing cabinet picks and his leaching family.

    Paying to send sons Uday and Qusay Drumpf on their merry grift rounds, while protecting Messalina, little Pucktard and flammable goods Ivanka should concern any respectable fiscal conservative bonkers. Albeit they’re all hypocrites and bonkers, but it’s time to call them on their hubris and hypocrisy.

  14. JAKvirginia says:

    Jane & PKM: I hear your anger. Yeah, it shows… and rightfully so. But… you won’t get them on your side by calling them stoopid (which of course they are).

    Try this: Y’all were duped! Y’all were lied to! They promised you a rose garden but now they’re paving it for a parking lot! Call them on it!

    Calling them stoopid will get them angry at us. (Keep in mind, not deep thinkers.) We need to channel that emotion our way. As you can see, they are easily manipulated. We need to use that to our advantage.

  15. If by “experts” he means Stephen Miller on the Sunday news shows (thousands of Massachusetts residents bused in to vote illegally in NH), I agree. Otherwise, eff off.

  16. Jane & PKM says:

    JAKvirginia, I hear ya! But those duped have been duped since Reagan. While I wouldn’t call them st00pid to their faces nor deliver a well deserved punch to their face or tiny little gohmerts, penetrating their trickle down Russian shower ‘logic’ is a daunting task.

    Nixon lied them into an extra 53,000 deaths in Viet Nam, while Kissinger screwed their pooch.

    Reagan left our people on the tarmac in Iran, did his Contra cash/drug exchange thing AND created the economic love child of the .01%.

    All before I was even born. But Donnie IS on my watch, so I’m all ears on how to communicate with the deliberately dumb. “Y’all were duped! Y’all were lied to!” True dat, but it’s like their raison d’etre for which they’d probably say: “thanks, appreciate more raisins with the bran flakes.”

    Seriously. Amidst the denying snacilbupeR elected whining about town halls and progressives, it’s past time for these stooges to stand up, fess up and say, “no, those of us doing the yelling are those of us st00pid enough to vote for you.”

  17. JAKvirginia says:

    Again, Jane & PKM, I hear you. But there’s a way.

    Talk TO these people not AT them. Example: That damn wall. Tell them how that wall isn’t going to change anything much. Then explain to them who will really be paying for it. Then explain how any “taxes” on imports are taxes they will end up paying and give good examples. Then explain that jobs going overseas was the doing of Rs at home, not trade agreements. Samuelson of WaPo has been doing a good job of that. Explain to them how the economic world is changing and why.

    Talk TO them. But I know that won’t happen because most Dems can’t explain it themselves or haven’t the balls to try. You may say it won’t work. I say if they’ll sit and listen to 60 minutes of disconnected BS from #45 they’ll sit for 10 minutes of real clear explanation. Worth a damn shot, no?

  18. JAKvirginia says:

    Oh! And btw, there are people in this country who believe the only alternative to the ACA is to repeal it and come up with something else. That’s bullcrap. No repeal is necessary. It can be amended at any time like all other laws. Have you heard one Dem CLEARLY state that? I haven’t.

    And THAT in a nutshell is the problem.

  19. Right, JAKvirginia. We’ve got to be armed with the facts and ready to shoot rapid-fire at the Trumpites who don’t know/want to listen in order to counter their illogical, brainwashed spew.

  20. Jane & PKM says:

    JAKvirginia, we’ll keep trying to have conversations with the Donnie supporters. 10 minutes you say, ya dang optimist! ;D

    Really. We’re working on consolidating two minutes into 20 seconds, so we don’t over extend their attention span. It ain’t easy upstaging all that Obama is a Marxist, Kenyan mooslim troofiness (when non truth meets & greets goofy) they hold dear.

    LOL Obamacare. Yeah that Heritage Foundation Romney-care plan. Oh however could THAT be improved upon…

  21. WA Skeptic says:

    I was having “the conversation” about immigrants and told him about my family–sharecroppers in Alabama and Oklahoma, then migrated to the West Coast during WWII, never to chop cotton or cut peaches or pick peas again. I was never allowed to work in the fields when I was a kid, although I was encouraged to do any other type of “kid job” for pocket money. I then asked him if he wanted to pick fruit or work the fields if the migrants were turfed out. He looked kind of grumpy for a minute and admitted that he didn’t want to work the fields or grub at factory farms either.

    He didn’t have much to say after that.

    Ask the farmers in Georgia what happened to their harvests in 2011 when migrant workers were abolished in their state.

  22. JAKvirginia says:

    Jane & PKM: Did this once to a “marketing group” at a company.

    Me: Okay. Take out a blank sheet of paper. At the top print your name. Then when I say”Go” you will have one minute to tell me what your company does using 10 words or less. Ready? Go.

    The reason? If you can’t clearly explain what your company’s mission is in 10 words or less, then you don’t have a clear idea what it does. So how the hell can you market it?

    If Dems can’t explain something in a similar fashion then they don’t know it. And for me, that disqualifies them from representing anyone. If Elizabeth Warren can do it, so can they, damn it.

  23. JAKvirginia, your argument makes perfect sense, except for one thing: these people are, I believe, completely fact-resistant. People at CPAC were being interviewed and asked what they thought about one month of Trump’s travel expenses being equal to a year of Obama’s expenses, and they simply denied that it could be true. The few of them who thought it MIGHT be true managed to invent a justification for it. I don’t know how we reach these people.

  24. JAKvirginia says:

    Jill Ann: Your talking about people at CPAC. That’s like despairing about people in the Vatican believing in Jesus. The CPAC crowd is beyond reasoning. They don’t drink the Kool-Aid, they invented it. There are many moderate conservatives who hate what’s going on. They are our target audience.

  25. I get what you’re saying JAK, and you’re right. It’s not about deluging them with facts and figures. It’s simple: How it will affect them in one simple example?

    Prices rising for food. Pocketbook is always best, and one simple example – pick a particular fruit or vegetable. Restaurant help, custodial, etc.

    Wingnuts are already doing this on their own. There is panic about losing health care especially.
