I Know It Was You, Fredo

July 10, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As the Godfather Trump Saga plays out, it was indeed Fredo who did it.

Donald Trump, Jr., may have committed treason.

Trump Jr. confirmed that he went into the meeting expecting to receive information from the Russian lawyer that could hurt Clinton. That is a breathtaking admission.

So, his purpose in attending the meeting was to collude with a foreign power to help Trump in an election.

Poor Junior apparently does not realize that is treason, whether the meeting was successful or not.  I personally think it most likely was very successful, considering that three days later Julian Assange enters the picture.

There were three people at that meeting – Junior, Kushner, and Paul Manafort.  This leak tells me that Manafort is leaking like screen door on a submarine.

This is crooks bringing down crooks.




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0 Comments to “I Know It Was You, Fredo”

  1. charles phillips says:

    If this had been a democratic administration that was doing these things, no doubt half of them would already be behind bars. It’s true, IOKIYAR.

    What this means, down to the simplest measure, is that the Republican Party is a treasonous organization, using any means they can garner to get and hold power.

  2. Maymoon says:

    So, I go to a meeting about how to kill someone right? i then find out the meeting was about how to plant corn, so I leave meeting. No crime …i don’t think so……I am thinking a conspiracy to commit a crime at least>

  3. Not that I wouldn’t mind seeing all the Trumps deep fried in the federal court system, but could someone explain the charge of treason here? Jr was not an official at the time and doing opposition reasearch is standard in campaigns.

  4. Alan, its that ‘nearest and dearest” propinquity thing. Agree that 3 people were at the meeting plus, a 4th person at the meeting who was Russian. As far as Jared et al. are concerned, think “Caesar’s wife”. The poor fluffy minded little thing had no idea how her own behavior would ricochet onto her husband until he explained it to her as he kicked her out the door. Kushner, son Trump, and Manafort have all earned the opinion that singularly and collectively they are dumb enough to lick a steak knife.

  5. Chloe Bear says:

    “This was an effort to get opposition research on an opponent in an American political campaign from the Russians, who were known to be engaged in spying inside the United States,” Richard Painter, who served as President George W. Bush’s top ethics lawyer from 2005 to 2007, said Sunday on MSNBC. “We do not get our opposition research from spies, we do not collaborate with Russian spies, unless we want to be accused of treason.”

  6. Trump Jr. now says his daddy didn’t know about the meeting. Why? Why wouldn’t he know four of his top goons were meeting with a Russian agent?

    There is no good answer. Jr already says it was to collude with Putin’s agent; and, if they didn’t tell Daddy because they didn’t think he should know because it would implicate him, then that means they knew it was wrong.

    Keep them away from sharp objects.

  7. Let me see if I’ve got this right:
    Jan: There was no Russian hacking
    Mar: well maybe Russia hacked us, (still think it was an overweight guy sitting on a couch in his mom’s basement), but there was absolutely no contact
    May: come to think of it there might have been some contact that we kinda, sorta forgot to mention but there definitely wasn’t any collusion.
    July: “They made me do it! The Democrats made us collude with Russians!

    Trust me Manafort is no babe in the woods, he knew darned well what was up!

    This is why I love the Beauty Salon, it’s the only place on the Internet where you are likely to see propinquity used appropriately in conjunction with a “Godfather” reference!

  8. One wonders who leaked Hillary Clinton’s emails?
    Did Russia hack and get the emails and pass them on to a Trump supporter to then distribute to Julian Assage?
    He claims he did not get them from Russia.
    Maybe he got them from the Trump campaign?
    Trump did ask Russia to hack Hillary’s emails, coincidently on the same day his son, Sil and Mannefort met with the Russian lawyer.

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    Covfefe! <—– A word used to describe the level of st00pid, corruption and outright lying by Dolt45 and those around him. Is it really lazy to use one word, when Roget's lacks any words sufficient to describe the hubris of that clown parade?

  10. “If this had been a democratic administration… doing these things”

    How many Benghazi hearings did we sit through?
    How many votes were taken to repeal the Affordable Care Act, at last count?

    But I suppose in those cases they knew nothing would come of it. Is that the problem here? Republicans know with Trump or Trump Jr. they’ll find something, and it will give them no option but to take action for a change?

  11. The Trump Crime Family Syndicate is clearly in over their heads. Not only is the Liar-in-Chief incapable of leading this blathering crew, Liar-in-Chief Jr. is apparently even less competent.

  12. Check this out, it’s hilarious- “The Alt-Bright Movement.”


  13. maryelle says:

    Well Junior stepped in it, Manafort and Kushner did too.
    They will be spending quite a bit of time cleaning the crap off their boots. Maybe 25 to life.

  14. Tilphousia says:

    Little trump has hired himself a New York mob lawyer. That speaks volumns.

  15. Here’s a definition of treason from the Free Dictionary:


    By this definition, Junior didn’t commit treason, nor did Manafort, Kushner, or anybody else. They certainly commited sleaze, crookedness, and various and sundry forms of mopery. There’s probably a crime in there somewhere, and let’s hope Mueller finds it.
