I Can’t. I Just Can’t.

October 07, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Since this is, indeed, a beauty salon, I would encourage you to read this.  It is laugh out loud funny, and you will never look at candidate hair the same way again. I dare you to read it and not laugh out loud.

Thanks to Pia for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “I Can’t. I Just Can’t.”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    T-Rump most be one of those urbansexuals. Dude even admitted he uses hairspray. What a loser!

  2. You are right. This made me laugh out loud! Now I will never be able to listen to what a candidate is saying, because I will be looking at his/her hair!!

  3. Reminds me of the song “Prisoners of Their Hairdos” by Christine Lavin, which mentions celebrities from Dorothy Hamill to Don King– “If they changed the way they comb their hair, they’d never be recognized anywhere…” But Trump would still be recognized for his big ugly mouth.


    Barbara Holland wrote my favorite book about the US Presidents, in which she says that Chester Arthur’s bushy sideburns “made him look like he’d tried to eat a sheep without peeling it.”

  4. So they’re claiming that that stuff on Trump’s head is hair?

  5. 1.smart.canerican says:

    You’re right – I LOL’d for sure! If Donald Trump’s hair wins this election, it will more than his hair which is scary 🙂

  6. Rhea:

    “made him look like he’d tried to eat a sheep without peeling it.”

    THAT made me laugh out loud.

  7. Lunargent says:

    Then there’s whatever Rand Paul has on his head. I’m not sure if it’s human hair, or if some other species crawled up there to die.

  8. I see hair. I got nothing. Commentary or hair.

  9. Dice, one of my favorite bits in that book is the end of the Herbert Hoover chapter, after all the political scandals and the mistress in the closet etc. and his abrupt death during a west coast trip. “When his widow got off the train back in Washington, her purse did *not* contain a half-empty bottle of prussic acid, and I don’t see how you can be so mean.”

    Amazon has used copies of Hail to the Chiefs by Barbara Holland starting at a penny plus postage, and I highly recommend it:


  10. Barbara Holland also said that LBJ’s ears “looked like giant tree fungi from Hell and made the political cartoonists very, very happy,” and that Eisenhower “was bald and smiled a lot and looked like a happy doorknob.”

  11. UmptyDump says:

    I vote for Angela Merkel’s haircut. Absolutely unexciting and perfectly fitting for a woman with the gravitas to be accepted by her people and the rest of the world as a confident and effective leader of her nation.

  12. Shaved heads would be a trendy look, cost little and require no entourage.

  13. Hollyanna says:

    Bernie Sanders has had his hairdo criticized quite a bit–but I’ll vote for him anyway! Not being a barber or a hairdresser, I find his unruly hair quite endearing.

  14. I’m not a one-issue voter, but the article made me laugh anyway. On the days I visit my long-time hairstylist, my hair is great. On the days I have to deal with it on my own, it’s normally a disaster. This is not my stylist’s fault. I have recalcitrant hair, and he’s a stylist, not a magician.

    Maybe maryelle is right.

  15. Barbara Holland wrote my favorite book about the US Presidents, in which she says that Chester Arthur’s bushy sideburns “made him look like he’d tried to eat a sheep without peeling it.”

    LBJ’s ears “looked like giant tree fungi from Hell and made the political cartoonists very, very happy,” and that Eisenhower “was bald and smiled a lot and looked like a happy doorknob.”

    I’m laughing, choking and snorting over these Rhea! It’s all your fault people in this coffee shop are staring and giving me worried looks.

  16. @Debbo, Yeah, every time I see a photo of Eisenhower smiling I have to get past the “happy doorknob” image…. Read the book! See Amazon link at #10 above.

  17. Perhaps the old musical “Hair” could be rewritten for current times.

  18. Marge Wood says:

