Holy Crap: It’s Cheesy Edition

May 04, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


This cheesecake fresh from the oven.

The Arizona Republic reports that when the family in Scottsdale, Ariz., pulled their dessert out of the oven, it cracked as it cooled and formed a crucifix.

The family members, who have not given their names publicly, say the crucifix is a message.

The family calls it a “holiday miracle.”

Yeah, okay, but I think the real message is that you can’t cook for crap.

Thanks to Barbie for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Holy Crap: It’s Cheesy Edition”

  1. Ralph Wiggam says:

    That’s T for Texas and T for Tennessee.
    T for Thelma, the gal that made a wreck out of me.

    Johnny Cash has Risen!

  2. This is what my mother used to dub an “earthquake cake.”

  3. Seriously? Crack in a cheesecake…………well, it is Arizona…..

  4. Well that is really something.

    Call me when you’ve fed 4000 people with that cheesecake. Then you’ve got my attention.
    (and not by auctioning the cheesecake on eBay, then buying 4000 pizzas with the proceeds)

  5. Looney Tunes says:

    It is a Cheese-us cake!

  6. And sometimes a t-shaped crack in a cheesecake is just a t-shaped crack in a cheesecake. Sheesh!!!

  7. OK, Looney Tunes, that’s too funny!

    Since when did a “cross” become a crucifix, anyway?

  8. According to legend, the Christian god once spoke in grand gestures … raising the dead, parting the seas, turning rivers to blood, healing lepers and so forth.

    Now he only speaks in toast and cake and various other food items. So sad. How the mighty have fallen.

  9. I want a Jesus shaped heating element for my toaster so I get a Jesus image every time I toast a piece of bread.

  10. @ Micr, in case you thought there wasn’t one:


    There’s a Virgin Mary version too.

  11. daChipster says:

    Mark – I had the same thought.

    Got up this morning, got all clean,
    Put some bread in the toast machine.
    Started coffee, got a plate,
    Turned on morning news at 8:00.
    Heard about the latest nuts
    Who thru God hated gay folks’ guts.
    Then up popped, at last, my toast
    And there he was: the Holy Ghost!
    So, reverent as I am,
    I slathered him in purple jam
    ‘Cause that’s the color God loves most
    And then I ate the Holy Ghost.

    Later on I visited Mom
    And told her of my sacred nom
    And, being mom, she offered me,
    A snack, as yummy as could be:
    She warmed over an old tortilla
    And then she cried “Oh God, I see ya!”
    For there within the flatbread’s limn
    She could discern the face of Him
    Who cast the stars within their courses
    And invented dogs and horses.
    His Holy image was in view
    As I ate God, the Father, too.

    Back home my wife had set to bake
    A super-scrumptious chocolate cake.
    She lavished it with lotsa lovin’
    Then popped it in the kitchen oven.
    But when done it seemed a loss
    For on its top appeared a cross.
    Undaunted, still, I simply iced
    Over the death stick of the Christ.
    I made the frosting like his face
    And then I blessed it, just in case
    I was like Lucifer pre-Fall.
    Then I ate Jesus, Cross and all.

    I pondered on the Trinity
    And how it was inside of me:
    Despite the power to create
    The world and everything, of late
    It seemed as though their power had waned
    Except in cooking, there it gained.
    I asked my self, what kind of God
    Appears in breading on baked scrod?
    If I can see God in key lime
    Sunday’s I’ll have more free time.
    And the only gig that they have left
    Is guest judging on Iron Chef.

  12. maryelle says:

    Bravo, daChipster! The Ballad of the Eaten God is another coup de grasse (lemon, that is)

  13. Marcia in CO says:

    To prevent cracks in your cheesecake:
    When the internal temperature of a cheesecake rises beyond 160 degrees F. while baking, it will always crack. To prevent this from happening, use an instant-read thermometer to test its doneness. Take it out of the oven when the cheesecake reaches 150 degrees F. at the center to avoid over baking.
    The Missus in AZ overcooked her cheesecake … God had nothing to do with it!! More like the Devil since the heat was on!! She may want to reread the message!!
    DaChipster … you are AMAZING!! :0)

  14. @Rhea
    I can die happily now! I may have seen everything…

  15. AliceBeth says:

    Bragging about your cooking ineptness is an interesting ploy. Just like your flag decal, it will not get you into Heaven.

  16. Corinne Sabo says:

    I’ve had cakes and breads crack like that and didn’t know it was supposed to be a religious experience. I just thought I had baked them too long….

  17. Hollyanna says:

    Thanks to daChipster–that versifying made my day. Sorry for the folks with the ruined cheesecake, but at least it provided some actual literary inspiration!

  18. UmptyDump says:

    I hear that Sarah Palin was baking a cheesecake for her Wicca meeting and it cracked in the shape of a pentagram.

  19. daChipster says:

    Umpty, that’s cruelty to Wiccans dude
    I would never be so rude
    To saddle them with Sarah P
    When they just want to be let be
    The one commandment that we need
    is captured in the Wiccan Rede
    Those fine words should echo still
    “An’ ye harm none, bake what you will.”

  20. Rubymay says:

    Marcia, you beat me to it! No miracle involved here.

  21. da Chipster, Poet Laureate of The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon!

  22. Nina Jo says:

    Yup, what Marcia in CO and Rubymay said..no miracle..just bad baking.

  23. Chipster, you must have had Johnny Cash on the Brian, because your extraordinarily good effort sounds like Coaine Blues to me. Fab.

  24. Brain, spellcheck. What’s wrong with brain?

  25. e platypus onion says:

    daChipster-if you are what you eat,are you god now and if so please make me young,thin,rich and funny. Thank you in advance, e p onion.

  26. maggie says:

    Wow. this cheesecake was doing crack?

  27. UmptyDump says:

    Da Chipster: True, your point I see –
    Wiccans would disavow Sarah P.
    Nondenominational will do just as well
    For that despicable, predictable bat from hell!

  28. The real miracle is that the outer rim of the cheesecake forms an almost perfect circle, representing Gaia.

    Or it’s a taijitu, the yin and yang symbol.

    Or possibly it’s just pi.

  29. linda phipps says:

    That’s just plain dumb: it’s God warning us about the San Andreas Fault.
