He’s Back ….

February 03, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Do you remember that national, reasonable, humble Donald Trump on the Iowa election night?

They got him off the Valium, Honey.  He’s back.

“Iowa caucus-goers were treated to a new Donald Trump on Monday night. The celebrity billionaire, after finishing second in the GOP caucus, gave a gracious speech, congratulating his rivals and looking ahead to next week’s primary in New Hampshire.”

“By Tuesday morning, the old Donald was back. Mr. Trump unleashed a five-tweet rant, criticizing the media for not accurately covering his second-place finish and blaming voters for not properly appreciating how much money he has poured into his campaign.”

Yeah, I missed the old Donald.




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0 Comments to “He’s Back ….”

  1. Marcia in CO says:

    Didn’t like the Old Donald, didn’t like the New Donald, and still don’t like the Old Donald … so there! I hope NH beats the crap out of him.

  2. He was on Tee Vee this AM talking out of 8 sides of his mouth about Iowa! He has a learning problem. He either can’t or won’t learn! May they mess with him royally in New Hampshire!

  3. Could it be that The Donald is bipolar? He is totally incapable of accepting responsibility when faced with negative circumstances.
    His manic self confidence and hubris on the one hand and vindictive anger on the other manifest at the very least a personality disorder of incredible magnitude.

  4. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Narsissistic Personality Disorder is a terrible thing. Entertaining for the rest of us, but a not so great for someone running for POTUS.

  5. stevethereturned says:

    Best Trump cartoon EVAH!

    And I’m with you, JJ: I missed the old version of Donald, too. (Although his lame-butt effort at Playing Nice did have a certain hilarity to it…..)

  6. @Lorraine in Spring

    I would have guessed Borderline Personality Disorder. But that’s just me…

  7. WA Skeptic says:

    NY City Real Estate Speculator; says it all.

  8. I Want Donald! Give him the do-over he demands, heck just give him the nomination now! Then watch him demand a general election do-over and – what? GWB 2000?

    Never mind.

  9. On the other hand, if our alternative is Ted Crude….

  10. I also want Trump to end up as the Repub nominee. Can’t you just imagine the debates? And the Dem landslide to follow?

    Rubio scares me. He’s sort of sane and it shows.

  11. Rubio is sane only by comparison, like I would be svelte next to a hippo.

  12. “…blaming voters for not properly appreciating how much money he has poured into his campaign.”

    Translation: I bought you!

    They didn’t stay “bought”; proving they are Republicans

  13. Lorraine in Spring says:

    @Micr I got the Donald down as NPD, Cruz as the brainwashed Messiah wannabe and Rubio as the immature kid brother who’s not ready to sit at the adult table.

    The Dems have this election wrapped up regardless of who the last standing candidates are.

    As my friend Sir Charles Barkley says, “I may be wrong, but I doubt it.”

  14. Marge Wood says:

    Sproing! Bonk bonk bonk…
    Us’ns just don’t properly preshate his bribery.

  15. Corinne Sabo says:

    Gee, he self-finances, Who’d a thunk it?

  16. RepubAnon says:

    Bugs Bunny said it best: “What a maroon!”

  17. Edward Starsmith says:

    BBC reports he is asking for a do-over.


    Can you get any more childish? I’m in agreement with all who are saying NPD.

  18. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Das Donnie didn’t fare well in Iowa. Despite the polls, I think he’s about to have another rude awakening in NH. Yankees aren’t partial to nonsense. (The Outlaw Jersey Whale aka Gov Cartman is another topic)

    Wait until Das Donnie arrives in NV for our raucous caucus. Shelly Adelson having bought the Las Vegas review Journal is apt to bring a little unexpected blow back to Donnie and the KKK Klown Kar. Think we’re tired of the Bundy Brats? That’s nothing in comparison to the disdain we have for snacilbupeR.

    We like rodeos and rodeo clowns. But we are not big into circuses of st00pid.

  19. JAKvirginia says:

    The old saying is still true:
    Give a man enough rope…

  20. Mr. Starsmith’s link is what I was talking about in the comments for the ensuing post. In tRump’s fairyland world, he can never be beaten therefore, Oozy Croozy had to cheat. What other explanation could there be?

    As others have said, he’s nuts in the head,

  21. I’m hoping for a brokered republican convention. I’d like to see a five way tie or something similar.

  22. @Lorraine in Spring
    RE: Raphael Edward Cruz

    Robert Dole back in late January stepped from the grave long enough to say about Raphael, ““I don’t think Ted is a Republican, he’s a conservative extremist.” and “He uses the title Republican because there’s no conservative extremist ballot.”

    Raphael Edward Cruz, Republican by convenience

  23. Ellen Childress says:

    Never thought I would ever even think of supporting Trump for any reason ! However, according to MSNBC tonight, he got royally shafted by Ted Cruz in Iowa. As did Ben Carson.
    Trump is considering filing suit. After watching the shenanigans in Iowa in both party caucuses, I am so fed up with the way we elect a president that I can’t even continue to support anyone.
    I hope beyond all hope that we get Clinton or Sanders, but if not, I would a whole lot rather have a bombastic, narcissistic smart buffoon ( Trump ) than a narcissistic, theocratic, mean-spirited, *^&*%^ ( yeah, one of those ) like Cruz.

  24. The first thing I said after that speech Monday night – “well that fluffyness won’t last long…”

  25. The more Cruz and Trump duke it out, the better the Democrats look.

  26. Lorraine in Spring says:


    Conservative Extremist = American Taliban.

    You know his daddy raised him to be an anointed King for the 7 Mountains Dominionism, right?

    “In a sermon last year, Rafael Cruz said that his son is among the evangelical Christians who are anointed as “kings” to take control of all sectors of society. This is a Christian dominionist agenda that’s commonly called the “Seven Mountains” mandate: (1) Business; (2) Government; (3) Media; (4) Arts and Entertainment; (5) Education; (6) Family; and (7) Religion. If “Seven Mountains” is too abstract, “Creeping Christofascism” puts a much finer point to it.
    In fulfilling the “Seven Mountains” Mandate, Rafael Cruz said that his son and other “anointed kings” would help bring about a “prophesied great transfer of wealth” from the “wicked” to the “righteous gentile believer.”

    Donald is a fool but Cruz is dangerous.

    This stuff give me nightmares.



  27. Lunargent says:

    So if the End Times are imminent, what’s the point of transferring wealth? Have they found a way to take it with them?
