GOP declares the Pope Semi-Fallible

September 23, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

by Primo Encarnación y Hachecristo

Senior Catholic Correspondent

My feelings about religion are quite clear, but in case they aren’t, here they are again: Faith is about belief in something larger than yourself, often without evidence. It gives you perspective; it leads you to want to be better, and to do good. Religion, on the other hand, is about power. It’s faith systematized into artificial constructs called dogma, which are then packaged, marketed and sold. Where else, other than in a dominatrix’s dungeon, do you pay for the privilege of being told what to do? Ten percent, baby. Says so in the Bible!

All that having been said, billions of people in the world live inside that framework, and may their gods bless them. I have no problem with religious people, per se. It’s just when they try and make us all live in their own private Idaho that I push back, especially when they are hypocrites. In the Gospels, Jesus embraced prostitutes, tax collectors, and even the Thief with the heart of gold on the cross next to him. He reserved His Holy Ire for only two types of people: money changers and hypocrites.

Or, in other words, today’s GOP.

For the next several days, the United States is hosting Pope Francis I, the only Pope in recent memory who fully embraces sinners as did the Jesus of the Sermon on the Mount. GOP lawmakers are worried about the lecture that they’re going to get. Suddenly, they find, he’s not as right about things as past Popes were. One, from Arizona (you can’t spell CRAZY with AZ) is even skipping out of the Pope’s address to avoid having the head of his own religion tell him he’s doing it wrong.

Perhaps he would rather that Republican Catholics submit the list of topics they find suitable for the Pope to discuss during his stay in the US, especially as regards his address to a joint session of Congress. There would be a few no-nos:

  • Abortion
  • Climate Change
  • Poverty
  • Death Penalty
  • Abortion
  • Guns
  • Gay Marriage
  • Divorce
  • Immigration
  • Capitalism
  • Abortion
  • Economic justice
  • Drought
  • Stewardship
  • Gay Marriage
  • Cuba
  • Abortion
  • Universal healthcare
  • Abortion
  • Feeding the hungry
  • Gay marriage
  • Refugees

Say what you will about the Pope, Catholicism or religion in general, but this guy is taking the takers to God’s Woodshed. And I’m loving it.

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0 Comments to “GOP declares the Pope Semi-Fallible”

  1. Pope Francis is the man…
    I may just start going to the Catholic Church again…

    If the church follows him, it looks like they are turning back to the teachings of Jesus…

    The money changing, and pedophillia above all else, really left me cold…

  2. I can’t find a word of this to dispute.

    Thanks, Primo!

  3. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Francis is a lot closer to my idea of a Christian leader than any previous Pope in my lifetime.

    It’s why he’s hated more by some than any previous Pope in my lifetime.

    It would be funny, if it weren’t tragic, that so many GOP politicians are more willing to listen to the Catholic Council of Bishops (who are NOT my idea of good Christian leaders!) than to the Pope, who is after all the head of that denomination. And he’s more Biblically accurate in the Christian end of that tome….the Gospels, as opposed to Leviticus, Deuteronomy, and so forth.

    Yeah, I’m glad to see him taking the takers to the woodshed. The ones that don’t run away. They sure don’t listen to me.

  4. This Pope would do a world of good if he’d okay the use of birth control, but he does seem like a nice chap otherwise, and appears to have actually read what Jesus said. I hope he can persuade some of the “Christian” loudmouths to read it too and get their heads out of other people’s underpants. And everything he can say about the environment and climate change is good. (Francis, did you hear that bit about birth control? Pretty crucial for the effort.)

  5. Amen, Primo.

  6. Well said
    Look at the good and heinous things OK’d by religion……..this country needs to look to this good pope and not be so narrow minded…….and yes indeed, birth control would be a marvelous idea for the poorest countries……or the sad fools like the Duggers who listen to whatever.

  7. Corinne Sabo says:

    Francis i closest to John XXIII, the so-called Peasant Pope.

  8. Bravo.

  9. Forgot one….The rePUKEians love that the pope lies about condoms, and likes people to get AIDs and have too many kids to help keep them in poverty.

  10. GOP: We’re not scientists, and we don’t want to hear from scientists. And especially not the pope, who IS a scientist.

  11. The Pope even turned town a $5 million donation to talk about ‘Benghazi!’ and another cool $ Million if he wore the Koch Industries logo on his Papal Tiara Crown.

  12. I’m all for birth control too, but all things considered, the Pope is making real headway on major issues.

  13. I wish this were original. It’s not. But boy does it fit!

    “Religion is like a penis.
    It’s fine to have one and take pride in it.
    But when you pull it out and start waving it in my face
    we have a problem.”

  14. Marcia in CO says:

    I like this Pope, too, even if I am not, nor never will be, Catholic. I believe Pope Francis is in touch with reality to a great extent and knows that good Catholic families rely on birth control in some form to prevent them from having a dozen or more kids, like the families use to do.

    However, he looks at things sensibly and has said more often then not: Who am I to judge?

    Exactly!! He leaves that up to the uber self-righteous and condescending who think they are far better then the Pope hisownself.

  15. If Christians are this upset when the Pope tells them what’s in the Bible, imagine the uproar if Jesus himself makes a Second Coming, and gives a sermon or answers a few questions from his followers.

  16. Prup (aka Jim Benton) says:

    I left Catholicism over 50 years ago — and reluctantly. (Most atheists reject their own religion first, then become atheists, I realized I could only be an atheist and thus had to leave the Jesuit-taught Catholicism I’d been receiving in High School. In fact, it took a statement by a religion teacher and priest that ‘we Catholics are Catholics because we believe what the Church teaches is true. If you don’t believe it, you are actually committing a sing calling yourself a Catholic.’)

    But Francis reminds me of why I loved most of the Jesuits I had contact with — though the only person I ever truly said I hated was a Jesuit (long story, maybe for another time). Because he also reminds me of John XXIII, only with as much brains and cleverness as heart. John simply tried to change things, too many things, all at once, and totally ignored the opposition he was getting — quite possibly because of his belief that he was ‘doing the Lord’s Work.’

    Unfortunately, the result was that his enemies turned back almost every change he made after his death.

    Francis realizes that he is in the position of making a U-turn with an 18-wheeler that has been building up downhill momentum for a long time. It can be done, but cautiously, thoughtfully, and, when necessary, putting some things temporarily on the back burner so he can get the other things done.

    I’ve heard people speak of the danger of fighting a ‘war on two fronts’ but many of Francis’ critics want him to fight a battle on every possible front all at once, and sometimes have lost perspective entirely. (If Catholics lined up behind him on economic justice, would it be that horrible if they still nominally opposed contraception — especially since the number of Catholic women who use it is not significantly smaller than the general population?) Give him time guys, if he acted as revolutionary everywhere as you’d have him do, he’d lose every battle. Now he can win them — and Id expect he includes those you mention — one at a time.

  17. Well said Prup… well said!

  18. e platypus onion says:

    Primo for Pope 2.0 as long as he is rules areligiously,like Obama.

  19. You have the right of it, Primo!

  20. Francis calls Catholics to the heart of the Gospel teaching, caring for others, especially the least among us. And he reminds the rest of us that those principles are pretty universal. I’m a Quaker, thus as we say not part of an organized religion, but I appreciate the power of his message and compassion and humility of his voice. I can see why he gives the Republicans and oligarchs and ultra wealthy hives.

  21. No wonder the Repugs are so upset by Pope Francis, he embodies the true meaning of “Christian” while they have subverted that word to mean the opposite. Watch them squirm when he addresses congress. Think Boehner will cry?

  22. Excellent column, thank you.

    I read the Pope is speaking to about 300 bishops today – his message is: get over it, get with the current program, stop the hate.

  23. @ two crows #13, the rest of that bit comparing religion to a penis says that “it’s not okay to say that you’re better than I am and can tell me what to do because you have one and I don’t.”

    Headline: “Thousands gleefully greet Pope Francis as he parades around the Ellipse in his Popemobile.” Sounds like he’s having fun. I liked the photo of his arrival at Andrews AFB, with both him and Obama laughing. He should get together with the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Tutu, who also enjoy a good laugh. I think they’d have a great conversation.

  24. Prup (aka Jim Benton) says:

    If you read those opening remarks — WaPo has them, as does Zandar — Pope Frankie seems to have delivered at least three shots at the jaws of Republicans, on immigration, on climate change, and on ‘inclusivity.’

  25. @ L. Long – Just as I cannot remain silent about the offensive statements that Trump and Carson have made or countenanced regarding Islam, neither can I condone by my silence your slur regarding this man who today is the pope.

  26. Linda Phipps says:

    As a non believer I was nearly brought to tears hearing Francis’ words at the Mass today. I love this Pope as no other before him because he says, I guess, what I want to hear. I can accept the Catholic church’s positions on gay marriage and abortion because, well, it’s Catholic though I don’t agree.

    And also, I would love to be a fly on Mike Bumblebee’s, and Prick Santorium right now.

    Amendment: their walls….. JJ you gotta allow editing …

  27. Linda Phipps says:

    Amendment: their walls….. JJ you gotta allow editing …

  28. Well Umpty you are WRONG! A slur is a lie told to discredit someone….show me where my statement is a lie?! If his priests or bishops do as I stated then HE as boss also says it.
    When the liar says condoms WORK, and contraceptives are good to control family size to help reduce poverty & HIV then I will apologize! Guess when that happens?

  29. Linda: JJ left Primo the keys to the shop today. He FIFY, in a manner of speaking.

  30. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Linda Phipps, nah editing would deprive us of the fun of a good typo.

    As a lapsed member of The Tribe, I am the last person to speak on the Pope’s Catholicism or President Obama’s Protestantism. However, I can recognize two decent hard working men. Wish the Pope’s USA schedule allowed time for he and President Obama to spend some time at Camp David relaxing and enjoying the autumn weather.

    As for the GOP grifters playing Monday morning quarterback, there are words, but Mama wouldn’t approve. So, I won’t go there. However, for the Xtian self-styled warriors like Bilgo, Huckster-Jeebus and Opus Dopey Santorum, I extend a fig leaf (no, I don’t mean olive branch) with which they can cover the smallest part of their st00pidity. Cover up boys and come out of your bunkers to end your war on Christianity. It’s really simple: back off, and cease provoking people who do not wish to hear your bloviating. Seriously, you are free to worship as you wish. What you are not free to do is impose your theocracy unto others.

  31. Actually I well remember John XXIII (Angelo Roncalli), he of the Second Vatican Council, he of the type of guy who would actually tour the local mens prison (Italian translation of name: Queen of Heaven) and smoke a cig or two with some of the most dastardly prisoners. Number XXIII was an earlier version of Paco even before he was pontified. On one of his more courageous acts was to print fake baptismal certificates for Jewish children sought by the Nazis. I was gobsmacked today to discover that Obama’s first experience as a community organizer was via the local Catholic Charities in Chicago. And I could just about hear the RWNJ’s heads exploding today when Paco got into politics during the White House meeting with Obama. Everybody cross your digits for the address to Congress Assembled. That boobomaniac who called Obama a liar is still around someplace.

    PKM, the lapsing tide got me long ago when the NCCB decided that Matthew 25 was NOT where it was at. I hope Paco makes it clear to them that they have nothing better to do than live that particular gospel.

  32. I for one am thoroughly heartened by the latest Pope. To finally have at least one major world leader that is a lover and not a fighter…

    Besides, I think what the conservatives really hate about Francis is that he isn’t raving in fear about the way “it’s supposed to be”. Collected and polite, what a pleasant change.

  33. Lazurus Long, Dude! Is the Pope Catholic? He’s not going to be able to jettison everything all at once. Go up and re-read everything prup says. If that were a bill, I would beg to co-sponsor it. All I can say is “what he said!”

    When the Catholic Church moves – usually forward – it is at a MAJESTIC pace, a TECTONIC pace. Every so often – John xxiii or Francis – there is a galvanic leap, an earthquake, and there are after shocks. Usually, the Church is a one step up, two steps back organization. Oh dear, Pope no longer has temporal power? Hey, what about making him infallible as a consolation prize? Wait, Vatican II and oh, these wild sixties? Let me throw down THIS humanae vitae.

    It comes of being 2000 years old. You don’t live that long as the BLEEDING edge. The Church is more of a late adopter of theology technology.

    Just ask Galileo.

  34. Yeah, he’s a good guy, but even HE hasn’t read the Bible.

    To this, the pope responded: “We know by faith that the Creator does not abandon us; he never forsakes his loving plan or repents of having created us.”

    Um, Genesis 6:6-7:

    And it repented the Lord that had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

    And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

    (Or did the Pope mean, doesn’t repent making us *now*? He had a snit and got over it…?)

  35. Gee, Rhea, near as I can tell man and beast and the creeping thing and the fowls of the air are still here, so maybe, just maybe, He got over it.

  36. Aggieland Liz says:

    What a splendid discussion, it’s all over the map!

    Been a Catholic for over 50 years now; tried to give it up once or twice but I can’t do it: I hear the music 🙂 AND 🙁

    Prup aka Jim, there are a great many things in the Catechism that have been twisted, distorted, and contorted beyond recognition in the 2000+ hyears since the Messiah arrived in Bethlehem. I refuse to be labelled a cafeteria Catholic (come walk a mile in my moccasins first then we’ll talk!!) but there are things that are taught that I just can’t accept as they are taught; they don’t have anything to do with love! I don’t have the slightest problem with the Real Presence – the things I have problems with are more how salvation is characterized and how many are (or may be?) excluded! I did not like Benedict’s “smaller purer Church” one bit! My dad also was educated by Jesuits, and he taught me that you have to THINK about your faith, ponder it, and yes, even doubt it!

    Linda, it is said there will be “one flock and one shepherd,” but only Baltimore Catechism Catholics are convinced that the shepherd will hail from Rome! 😉 I have always had a fondness for the Dalai Lama, and if you have to be like a little child…!

    Primo, thanks for reminding us about the difference between faith and religion; one may be predicated upon the other but it is not necessarily so! Lovely column amigo!

    Rhea-Papa doesn’t use the translation you quoted 😉 yet another obstacle to harmony! He’ll be using the SA analog to the St Joseph’s or the NASV! Who knows, maybe he reads Latin easily enough to use the Vulgate! That would be going back to the roots!

    L.Long: do you think teachers should be praised or punished according to their students’ performance too? This man is certainly trying to move things in a different direction than they’ve been headed for 40 years-did you think there would be no resistance?? I think it is more than a little unfair to lay the actions of a bunch of American priests and bishops at the foot of an Argentine order priest who happened to be elected pope and is only in his 3rd? 4th? year! If you don’t like or approve of the RCC well fine, just say so-but it’s not Francis fault, any more than it’s Mr Obama’s fault as CEO that the Rethugs are playing around w govt shutdowns again! Good grief!

  37. AKLynne, those verses come just before the Flood and Noah and all that, so God had a pretty big fit before he got over being sorry he’d started the whole business, whatever translation one uses.

  38. Linda Phipps says:

    DaChipster, overall I kind of enjoyed the mental picture of flies on BusyBee and Santorum.

  39. Liz! others! I’m not saying to shoot the pope for what they do, but this love-fest for the pope is silly.
    “L.Long: do you think teachers should be praised or punished according to their students’ performance too?”
    If a teacher tells everyone – to get an ‘A’ you must never use condoms because they do not work, and the students get HIV/pregnant, then YES!!! The teacher should be held to judgement! And if ALL there students are terrible at what they do, they are judged for their effect.

    Show me any one thing this pope DID to actually change anything in the RCC dogma that HELPS people???
    So if I ever greet the pope I will not shake his hand and would tell him what I think of his BS.

  40. I, too am disappointed in the Church’s stance on contraception and women’s equality, but welcome Pope Francis’ teachings on climate change and stewardship of the earth, income inequality and non-judgmental mercy. The republican pseudo-Kristians need to hear this from the consummate Christian.

  41. @L.L.Long

    I listened, as best I could, to the Pope’s address to a joint session of Congress. Then, I found a transcript of his remarks, and read that.

    Personally, I don’t think the “love fest” is “silly”. I am neither Catholic, nor “religious” (as described by Primo). I do, however, have faith… mostly in my fellow human beings.

    This man, Pope Francis, is a wonderful human being. that being said, even The Pope, cannot totally obliterate 2000 years of dogma, in a few months time. All he can do is what his is doing…… show the people of his church, a different way to go. It’s a job he’s doing in a splendid and spectacular way.

    What’s not to love?

  42. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    L.Long, I must admit to being somewhat mystified by Americans being groupies for a Pope or the British Royalty. The latter is a real “huh” moment for me in the context of history, specifically the American Revolution.

    Then again, having scanned our recordings of the Republican Debate Debacles, a lot about our country confuses me. I have more question than answers. Like what’s up with Water Boy Rubio scamming for dollars with a Nazi art and memorabilia collector?

  43. Linda Phipps says:

    GOP declares the Pope “semi fallible” … meaning that he is human, and the GOP has a hard time relating to real humans.

  44. L.Long: No definition of slur uses the word “lie.” Look it up. Merriam-Webster defines it as an insulting or disparaging remark or innuendo.

    I am not a Catholic, but I am offended by your repeatedly going out of your way to slur a kind and decent person. Nor am I a Muslim, yet I have a neighbor who is a retired principal of an Islamic elementary school. He is an immigrant and an American citizen and a good person. I will not slur him for following a religion in which some others among its followers behave inhumanely.

  45. Aggieland Liz says:

    Hi Long! Remember that sometimes these texty things sound more testy than they should! As I recall, it was Benedict that had oodles of horse hockey he spouted about condoms and AIDSp; Francis has said three things that have stuck in my head:

    Regarding the focus of the RCC: There are other sins beside abortion.

    Regarding homosexual activity between adults: Yes, but who am I to judge?

    Regarding the behavior and demeanor of parish priests: If you as a priest cannot find in you compassion for your flock, then you are in the wrong place and need to get a desk job!

    I am (supposed to be, on lunch!) working, but I’ll be happy to source these out for you? I’ve been thinking the RCC has had an unhealthy obsession with sex for many years now. The “unforgivable sin” is the sin against the Holy Spirit. Still trying to figure that one out, and any guidance or illumination is appreciated here!
