Fun With Guns: But Not At The NRA

April 30, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I know that the NRA tells us that the more guns we have, the safer we are, but not Mike Pence.

The NRA posted a disclaimer on the NRA-ILA Leadership Forum event page, saying that due to Pence’s attendance, Secret Service will be responsible for event security. Therefore, “firearms and firearm accessories, knives or weapons of any kind will be prohibited in the forum prior to and during his attendance.”

The NRA is trying to contend that it’s not them outlawing guns at Pence’s speech, it’s the Secret Service.  I guess the Secret Service hasn’t seen the validity of the NRA’s second amendment thoughts. And I guess nobody told the NRA that the Secret Service is the government.

I thought the big, tough, NRA guys said that the government would have to pry their guns out of their cold, dead hands.  To see them willing to give up their rights to see Mikey in person gives me pause to reconsider their tough talk.

Not only that, it also gives me a headache.



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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: But Not At The NRA”

  1. Tilphousia says:

    Guess Michelle Wolf was right. Give the teachers guns. Then they can be sold for school supplies that the teachers pay for out of their wages. Which in too many states are just about at poverty level. Hypocrisy rules in the NRA. Gee, I thought that God and Mother protected Pence.

  2. Wish I could find where I copied it, but in a Q&A for a gun convention someone asked about wearing their gun, and the answer was something like, “It’s safer when there aren’t loaded guns, so we won’t be allowing them into the gun show.”

    Irony completely escapes some people.

  3. Between Michelle Wolf’s performance, and the restrictions on attendee’s 2nd Amendment rights, the hypocrisy is just…

    Normal. The people that have been whining about loss of “rights”; the right to underpay women, the right to insult and assault non-straight people, the right to insult and suppress non-white people (and of course, any and all combinations thereof). These are the people that are “most entitled” and yet they can’t stand sharing equality with “the rest”.

    Just imagine if there were some kind of “do unto others” curse where we all would in fact get treated in the way we treat others. I’m ready for that…

  4. Hypocrisy? Friends, these bozos have it down to a science. They have a huge plate glass type of place way out in Fairfax County, Virginia. You can see it from the interstate that runs alongside. Once upon a not so long ago time they were located in downtown D.C. Why did they vamoose so far from the shadow of the Capitol dome? Well, you see they decided that the neighborhood was too violent. Way too many guns and 2nd Amendment types running around loose. I kid you not!!!

  5. We could reduce gun homicides (excluding accidents and suicides) by 80% if people who are the first buyer of a gun are held responsible for its use during its lifetime as a recognizable or usable weapon– i.e., they cannot sell it, pawn it, lose it, give it away, etc. King Arthur treated Excalibur that way; never let any less worth person so much as touch it. Gun owners should be expected to be just as respectful as he about the potency of their weapon.

    Then the NRA could change its motto to “You can have my weapon when you unglue it from my cold, dead hands.” They’d be able to carry themselves with a little pride…

  6. Pence the true believer in gawd’s awesome power is scared a single little puny human can counter all of Pence’s prayers and shoot him! Speaks loud for gawd’s power! and Pence’s faith in his ahole gawd!

  7. Maggie, you are correct that is the definition of being a hypocrite. ” do as I say not as I do” brought to a new level. Similar to the Kentucky Coal Museum ( 2017) choosing to go solar because it is more efficient! hahaha

  8. cgregor–I’ve argued for a long time that I’m fine with gun ownership, but I want your weapons of mass destruction to follow the same rule as mine do: Both a written test and a skills test before mandatory licensing for the user, annual registration and equipment safety checks, and liability to cover any personal injury or loss caused by the weapon. (My weapon, of course, is my car, which was clearly demonstrated could be a useful weapon for mass murder last week.)

    The argument that it’s impossible to round up all the guns and get them covered rings hollow to me: It’s true that if your gun never is exposed and never hurts anybody, the rest of us won’t know you have it and won’t know you’re out of compliance, and I don’t care that you don’t have the requisite documentation and insurance. But if you “accidentally”* shoot your friend in the face or your 5-year-old “accidentally” shoots the neighbor, then you get to pay not only for the injury/loss of life/damage to property, but you also get the punishment for not having the rest of this stuff in place.

    *No, I don’t believe in firearms “accidents.”

  9. I think some people are missing the truly obscene part of this.
    failed governor and demented donnie are supporters of the guns everywhere agenda, obviously except where they are.

    Just shows that these 2 cowards are allowing the “deep state” apparatchik to dictate to them.

    Also shows that these 2 hypocrites trust the “Deep state” operatives more then their, normally, armed base.

    Lets have demented donnie and the failed one come out publicly and tell “his” DoJ and Secret service that not only does he oppose this ban but through a Executive order he is rescinding it not just for this event but for all events.

    He should also order “his” DoJ, and other law enforcement, that they can NOT arrest, cite, prosecute or even take the name of any person who they see carrying a weapon.

    The focus should not be on the nra’s hypocrisy only but more upon those politicians that have shown obsequious to the great gun gods and now seek to hide from its wonderous creation by blaming it upon others who they, in truth, have authority over.

    Does demented donnie let waiters of maids tell him how to run his business? if not then why should he allow those “deep state” operatives tell him how to be secure? Espiacially when their policies directly contradict his superior knowledge of how to keep him safe.

    After all, some must ask, who is the boss?

  10. Now Donald Trump is also going to their convention . . .

    Twitter and Facebook are aflame at the NRA from its own members threatening to boycott the convention due to the “no guns” policy.

    If the NRA had the courage of their convictions, they would not hold conventions in places that prohibit guns, and would ban any politician that wouldn’t allow them.

    It’s almost as if both the NRA and the GOP are hypocrites. . . .

  11. Satire from The Borowitz Report

    N.R.A. Gun Ban During Pence’s Speech Leaves Him Vulnerable to Bear Attack, DeVos Warns.

    “All it would take is one angry bear to ruin what otherwise promises to be a really nice gun event,” the Secretary of Education said.

  12. The NRA – – proving there are in fact times when common sense gun regulations are appropriate.

  13. maggie says:

    If you can, please do your best to track down and see the cartoon in today’s Washington Post in the Editorial Section. It should be framed and made available free to all and furthermore shown on all tv networks with every commercial break. Here’s my attempt at a link Plaster that in your browser.

  14. AlanInAustin ... says:

    “You can take my guns when you can pry them from my cold, dead hands*.”

    * Or when the NRA invites a guest who doesn’t want them.


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  1. Fun With Guns: But Not At The NRA Convention – NEWSFUZZ 02 05 18
  2. Fun With Guns: But Not At The NRA Convention – Liberal View News 02 05 18