From John

November 21, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


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  1. Unfortunately, they will do none of those 3 things. Instead, they will all go on TV and whine about “Emperor Obama” – and talk about how the “American people” are all on their side.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    You rock, John! The idiots emboldened by a few seat gains in a typically non-participant midterm in heavily gerrymandered districts now claim a mandate. (yawn on their delusions) The mandate President Obama won having been popularly elected twice, a mandate the GOP refuses to respect.

    Democratic losses? From where I sit, the GOP did us a proper by taking out a few Blue Dogs.

    The GOP has two years to get off the porch and lead, or watch their own burial in 2016.

  3. Today’s cartoon by Mike Smith:

    Elephant: The President is passive, inactive, and lacks leadership.

    Obama: I’m issuing an executive order on immigration.


    Other cartoons on how the GOP thought it was just fine when Reagan and Papa Bush issued executive orders on immigration.

  4. Sigh. Well, go read the article in DAILY KOS, the one with the map showing how the blue walls will affect the red states.

  5. Apparently the Repubs are united in opposition to President Obama’s immigration actions. However, their response reminds me a little of one of my favorite Leacock quotes: “Lord Ronald […] flung himself from the room, flung himself upon his horse and rode madly off in all directions.”

    Here’s an article to partly make up for JJ’s absence. It helps assuage the pain of the midterms a little:

  6. John You are right, sir!
    The members of Congress think their constituents sent them to DC to “lead the country”. Nothing could be further from the truth. They were elected to “represent” the interests of their constituents. Maybe ab attitude adjustment is called for as well.

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Whitey Wingnuts heads are exploding because the Muslim in Chief quoted from the bible.

  8. Lead. Follow. Or get out of the way. That last one. What if they simply raptured?

  9. Now that they don’t have Benghazi or the IRS conspiracies to complain about, immigration will be the topic du jour. At least it takes some of the heat off of the Affordable Care Act for awhile.
    They just don’t want to do anything about immigration, cause they think it means votes for Democrats, while it could mean votes for them too, if they got to work and passed reasonable legislation. Instead they stupidly give minority voters more reasons to vote them out. I hope, I hope.

  10. e platypus onion says:

    Rapid City Journal had a small article on A8 about the latest wingnut failure to find crimes in Benghazi. That makes it at least Obama/Clinton 8,Wingnuts/Fox 0.

  11. e platypus onion says:

    On immigration this is tied into Social Security which wingnuts want to shut down. They won’t tax the wealthy and they don’t want illegals paying in to make it solvent. If illegals pay and don’t get benefits it puts the lie to what the liars have been saying that illegals collect SS benefits.

    Dems are gonna force wingnuts to tell the truth eventually.

  12. e platypus

    Funny on the timing of that report from the house on Benghazi. They had to keep that narrative alive through the election. Kept their low information base fired up and Senator Butchmeup has opined that it was a big issue that contributed to their success. By the way, I looked and could find no reference to the report on Breitbart and Fox News coverage tries to spin it that it needs further investigation. By the time that we get to the 2016 elections, we’re still going to have at least 30-35% of the electorate thinking that there was wrongdoing on the part of the administration related to this issue because they only get their news from fair and balanced sources.

  13. Our policy on illegal immigration reminds of the US policy on China in the 1960’s. We acted as if 1/4 of the earth’s population didn’t exist. All sorts of dire consequences were predicted if we recognized “Red” China in the UN, and as a trading partner.

    Yes, like $29.95 DVD players.

    Now we’re told the best plan is to ignore maybe 15 million immigrants. Or ask them to get on a bus and self deport .
    Brilliant plan! How’s that worked out the last 10 or 15 years?

    Obama comes forward and says let’s face reality. There are people in America. They live here. They work here. Can we stop pretending they don’t?

  14. Why would congress want to do that?
    We are voting for them to screws us royally and paying them for doing less then nothing!! Anyone who does not like that should get off there lazy butts and vote next time instead of seat on their butts and watching inane BS TV programs.
    I watched at my voting center as rePUKEians had a steady stream and the dems where lucky to have anyone show.

  15. Sadly, I believe the Republicans have no qualms about leading. They have a duly elected majority in both houses and they intend to exercise what power they have. The only substantive push will be for lower taxes on corporations and individuals rich enough to be corporations. (New Repub motto, “People are corporations, too, my friend) Most of their leadership will be fuzzy static regarding slut shaming, poor blaming and hippie bashing.

  16. Marge Wood says:

    I guess you’ve heard about the Murray Energy Company…here, read this from Public Citizen. Public Citizen is accused of giving mental anguish to an energy corporation by telling their readers about the pollution caused by coal burning. Apparently, people who don’t want pollution from coal burning has hurt the feelings of an energy corporation. Not only that, but we can’t look at their hand of cards. Sounds more like they’re ambushing truth tellers.

    There’s been a bizarre twist in Big Coal’s lawsuit against Public Citizen.

    Last month, I alerted you that Public Citizen has been sued by a major coal company, Murray Energy, after we called out its attempts to block new rules intended to help protect workers and prevent air pollution.

    Murray Energy is now claiming that Citizens United — the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that has allowed unlimited election spending by billionaires and Big Business to corrupt our democracy — may also give corporations privacy rights previously belonging only to people.

  17. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Murray Energy, friend of Joe Manchin and fiend to West Virginia is busy suing the EPA. It’s difficult to track all of their disasters and pollution; the minimal fines to which they have been assessed don’t make a dent in the costs of cleaning up after them.

  18. Also applicable: “I must hurry and catch up with the others, for I am their leader.”
