Friday Toons

October 12, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized




















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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. Charles R Phillips says:

    That last one is my favorite. It looks to cover many of tRump’s sins like a horse blanket.

    What can you expect though, from a horse’s tRump?

  2. Winner! All of them! Dilly dilly is about all that one could expect from Kav.

  3. I have my Friday thoughts. First to Graham and the whole republican party. Sometimes you need to forget about the President , your party and even your job and look at you 3 year old child or grandchild and think “will they believe her?”. My second thought is, we have found out what price is a human life to trump ,he will not stop the $100 billion sale to the Saudis! After all Khashoggi was only a resident of USA not a citizen.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Shorter RAT45: “I’m corrupt and I’m cashin’ in.” Since Mueller has to wield his way through Congress and he knows it, expect that the SDNY and other jurisdictions may be the ones to finally corral Donnie, Jughead Kushner, et al.

    As an aside, there’s more than one way to skin a frat boy. Have a glimmer of a theory for which perhaps the ladies of The WMDBS could add empirical date. Just an observation really, but does Kavie have similar short vulgarian fingers to Donnie? Seems so. Maybe it could become a data point to identify sexual predators before they act.

    Meanwhile, it appears that auto correct and AI are on a play date. Twice edited, and yet not confident of my corrections. Apologies in advance.

  5. Charles R Phillips says:

    Just saw another worthy tune on Facebook. I copied the link, below, but I don’t know where it leads.

    Okay it goes to somebody’s Facebook post. Check it out.

  6. The worst thing about 45 is how he drags *EVERYTHING* down into the muck. Discourse. The budget, The Oval Office…

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    Old Fart as culpable as Donnie and his brigand of miscreants are, we cannot lose sight of the enabling herd of spineless snacilbupeR Congress varmints who fail at every juncture to provide checks and balances on his mayhem. 2018 – vote them out!

    Mr. Charles R Phillips, sadly that cartoon portrayal of Donnie is as accurate and disgusting as the actual picture of Dotard45 pussy grabbing our flag.

  8. Charles R Phillips says:

    KoolMarxist, it’s from Norway originally. He ain’t THEIR president.

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    Mr. Phillips, “say it ain’t so!” No!!! Donnie said… it can’t be that international cartoonists AND the entire UN membership is laughing at us because of Donnie. They were laughing with him. Honest. Donnie said so in bursts of cognitive dissonance on twitter and at campaign rallies. Whatever is going on in that freak show referred to as the Oval Office is sonic boom amplified by ‘itch McConnell, Lindsey and the fleeting flea Nunes as they enable the Pouty Baby in Thief.

    2018, my friend, as we vote and observe colossal clowns like Dana Rohrabacher and others face both re-election defeat and serious treason charges. What McCarthy falsely claimed in 1950 has come to pass among the current snacilbupeR.

  10. I’m sorry to say that I don’t know who is the current head of state of Norway, or even whether he or she is a president or a prime minister. I could look it up, but the point is that I don’t know, because I don’t have to know. But I’m sure most Norwegians know about our head of state, because it matters to them, and because he’s so damn loud. And yes, he has s*** his diaper and has already wiped it on our flag and dragged the globe off the table to do it.

  11. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    Wish I could dig up my right wing relatives then plop them in a family reunion and make them all listen to a Disney heiress to tell them exactly what the 1% did and will do.
