Friday Toons

January 19, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized
















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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. Finally! I can’t pick just one!

  2. I want to wake up in the alternate universe where HRC won the election, and DJT is just throwing sh*t on TV news now and then, and all the Rs in Congress are trying to invent grounds for impeachment.

    Boring is better.

  3. If it isn’t clear that the 45 supporting “evangelicals” are hypocrites, then you aren’t looking.

    “Alas, alas, for you
    Lawyers and pharisees
    Hypocrites that you are
    Sure that the kingdom of Heaven awaits you
    You will not venture half so far
    Other men that might enter the gates you
    Keep from passing through!
    Drag them down with you!”

    “Alas for You” Lyrics from Godspell

