Friday Toons

February 03, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized














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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. ZING————!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. That Other Jean says:

    More true than funny. Waaaaay too true.

  3. Sandridge says:

    Great cartoons again
    The cartoonist of the first one (Alternative Heaven) missed a dang good chance to include a wrinkled, decaying visage of Ms. Kellyanne standing next to Der nekkid Führer. (there goes breakfast)
    And the fourth one might have put a sign up labeling the prison “Abu PussyGhraibber Detention Facility”, not that the deluded Talibangelical would notice.

  4. Justice is no longer blind, but gagged!
    Here comes another Recession now that the bound to repeat history Repugs are dismantling Dodd Frank and the fiduciary rule and allowing pulpit politicking.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Cartoonists, comics and comedians will miss dat guy. The rest of us are going with hope and the vowels: aneurysm, exorcism, impeachment, ouster, uppluck, and yersinia pestis.

    DaChipster, someone, please throw me a rope as to why SkullAnus Wrongway is ‘respected’ by the media. Her history speaks for itself. It isn’t pretty. Her latest alternative ‘fact,’ the Bowling Green Massacre. Yeah oops.

  6. e platypus onion says:

    On the Lady Liberty cartoon I can spot at least four subtle differences between the two halves. How many can you spot? Not including the years.

  7. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I stole the one with the 3 monkeys and the mad hatter’s tea party. Added it to a bit on Twitter and it’s been re-tweeted about a dozen times. Thanks.

  8. Tilphousia says:

    Well done yet again. But a decayed nekkid kellyanne would be more than I could stomach.

  9. 1smartcanerican says:

    Hope you don’t mind JJ that I borrowed the Canadian cartoon to share. After all, as a Canerican, it was right on! My BIL is an Ameradian as he was American first, then got Canadian citizenship so is also a dual citizen.

  10. Jane and PKM, I just read an article on Politico that the W.H. pushes Conway and Spicer on the networks and somewhat restricts access to others. This is done, especially to CNN, which is on Drumpf’s s**tlist for reporting “fake news”. This Sunday, CNN refused to take her for Sunday morning talk shows. Wish all the networks would boycott the two of them.

  11. Maryelle, I’ve noticed that rate at which some of these talking heads show up on the electric teevee shows on Sunday. There’s a lot of a few faces, then fewer of the lot and then a virtual black out. Its as if they dropped off the edge of the earth. Wonder where they really do go? Is there an alternate paradise right here on earth that takes them early?
