Friday Toons

June 17, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Signe cartoon SIGN14e Orlando




Clay Bennett editorial cartoon













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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. e platypus onion says:

    For those who love to claim the AR-15 is not an assault weapon, here is part of a glowing report done by the US on the efficacy of the AR as used by the S Vietnamese against their Commie brothers-

    The report describes, with grisly detail, how the AR-15, chambered with the same .223 ammunition that it uses today, not only killed VC soldiers but decapitated and dismembered them.

    Furthermore, although the civilian model is not capable of full auto fire,there is a drop in trigger system that makes the gun close to full auto. Enjoy the video. Not violent, just interesting how fast shell casings can fly when the trigger is depressed for every shot.

  2. Okie-Dokie says:

    We drop a LOT of eff-bombs at work. It is a secure federal government facility the public is not allowed into. Most of us are vets so salty language is almost second nature. Those Eff-bombs have turned into “Trump you!”. The conservatives there know not to spew their organic semi liquid material my way. They wind up wearing it.

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    e platypus onion, the family of the man who designed the AR-15 has spoken. It’s a military weapon, not a toy for ammosexuals. Despite the Loathsome Crooze cooking bacon on one, it’s not a weapon intended to hunt meals. Congress can be st00pid. But some days they just act that way to please their NRA owners.

    Sen Chris Murphy and other Democratic Senators had the discussion. Now maybe Congress will act.

  4. Have you No shame republicans?
    Why do you support this man?
    For your own jobs?

  5. Donald Trump is the manifestation of the Id of the Republican party.

    For details, watch the movie “Forbidden Planet.” It will help you understand how Paul Ryan is feeling about now.

  6. e platypus onion says:

    Back in the 1700s the soldiers were called minutemen because it took nearly a minute to fire and recharge their old smoothbore muskets. (30 seconds if they really practiced and were prepared) In a crowded dance hall back then, most could have escaped in the time the black powder smoke dissipated enough for the next shot and because the shooter had to actually concentrate on loading his weapon for the next boom.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    e platypus onion, the ammosexuals and snacilbupeR of today are “minutemen” too. With the aid of Viagra and assault weapons they can indulge their insignificant little alter egos in 60 seconds or less.

  8. At least the Trump U one is funny; the others hit my heart too hard to smile at.

  9. As a teenager, I converted a .22 from semi to full auto. It’s not that hard. I grew up with guns but no longer have any use for them. Hunting? Yes, if you’re into that. Even self-defense, thou that’s questionably – first thing a burglar looks for is weapons. I fail to see any justification for private ownership of a weapon specifically designed to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible. The mindset of these people is appalling.

  10. Marge Wood says:

    Maybe if we all just go stand around in our legislators’ offices, whining and yelling….
    All I got afterwards was a replay of a bunch of crap about how evil Muslims are and look how bad Obama is…

  11. Marge Wood says:

    I have a real question. I know a few years ago they made it legal for legislators to carry a gun inside the Capitol. I heard the other day that people could no longer carry guns inside the Texas Capitol. I said not true, but…does anyone here know if it’s posted against bringing guns inside the Capitol? I researched it.

  12. Actually, the news is that Texas continues to have open carry laws that allows for the carrying of guns into the Texas Capitol Building. To quote:

    “Open carry weapons are permitted, however, inside the state’s assembly building, or capitol, where licence holders can bypass metal detectors.”


  13. e platypus onion says:

    I remember back in the day, columnist Jack Anderson walked into Bob Dole’s Senate offices with a .45 he snuck in and scared the stuffing out of Dole.

    Stunt to demonstrate lack of Capitol security[edit]
    To demonstrate the threat of terrorism within the U.S. Capitol, in 1989, Anderson brought a gun to an interview in the office of then Senate minority leader Bob Dole. This led to a reprimand and a change of rules for reporters.[20]

    We need more Jack Andersons investigating pols and politics.

  14. e platypus onion says:

    Ms JJ, be thankful you don’t have a resident religious nutjob troll like Steve Sibson on here. At DFP he hijacks most every thread and makes it about himself and his religion.

  15. maryelle says:

    Drumpf may be the angry, pus-filled head on the Republican boil, but they’re all really just as hate-filled and hypocritical as he is. That party needs to go down in flames before our country can move on to much-needed change.

  16. Remember when someone from Jim Webb’s office got caught with a weapon? “Oh, I forgot I had it!”

    Yeah, right!

  17. Chloe Bear says:

    Better Lewandowski, Trump’s campaign manager got caught trying to carry a gun into the Capitol.

  18. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    maggie, I do remember the time I was working in the concrete basement of a casino. Someone’s girlfriend “forgot” that she had the boy’s gun in her purse. She dropped her purse coming down the stairs. With the echoes, it sounded like a mortar attack. No one was hurt, except maybe our dignity as we dove for cover. Possession of a gun can be a crime; how about not being in possession of the gun one owns?

    We can’t completely foolproof gun safety laws, but we could legislate a little common sense into the ‘game.’ 85-90% of us are in favor of doing what can be done to prevent another Charleston, Orlando or one of the 133 mass shootings and ~33,000 gun deaths this year. We can begin by removing every Congress varmint that doesn’t stand/vote with Senator Chris Murphy.

    Time again for me to contact Heller, Heck and Hopeless in the NV DeeCee contingent. There really is a Sen Dean Heller (R-NV) and Rep Joe Heck (R-NV). “Hopeless” covers the rest of the NV weasels on my e-mail list.

  19. e platypus onion says:

    Jack Anderson was roundly disliked and called a muckraker. I’m sure he thought it was a compliment. He broke some amazing stories including Iran/Contra which got snuffed because it hit close to the resident of the WH-Ronnie Raygun.

  20. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    We should insist that some of the NRA’s ‘better’ spox testify before Congress. Like this guy:

  21. e platypus onion says:

    Lookee here- Sean Hannity of Fake Noize is indirectly responsible for the Muslm eugenicist in Orlando,Florida.

  22. e platypus onion says:

    Helps when you post the link-

    Fox News Channel host Sean Hannity has a family connection to the Orlando terror attack: His second cousin sold weapons to gunman Omar Mateen.
    Ed Henson owns the St. Lucie Shooting Center in Port St. Lucie, Fla. Mateen purchased the hand gun and assault rifle used in Sunday’s massacre from the store during two separate visits in early June.
    “Ed Henson, a highly decorated retired NYPD detective, who was also a 9/11 and Flight 587 first responder, is a second cousin of mine,” Hannity told Adweek’s TVNewser blog.

  23. e platypus onion says:

    Walk with pride, Hannity you POS.

  24. AKLynne says:

    Lynn N, just watching the Forbidden Planet trailer on YouTube tells you everything you need to know.

  25. I want a Trump U pennant.
    The one of the clubbers being stopped at the bathroom illustrates the vileness of the snacilbupeR. I fully and completely loathe Scumpf and every wingnut politician on every level.
