Ego Snit Fits is Contagious, Y’all.

January 22, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You thought Trump’s speech to the CIA was wacky?  You thought Spicer’s press conference was the weirdest damn thing you’ve ever seen?

Oh no.  KellyAnne did women proud by beating both of them this morning.  I have new respect for Chuck Todd for trying to nail Jello to the wall.

“Alternative facts?” –

“We’re going to have to re-think our relationship here.” – Is she breaking up with Chuck?

“Don’t be overly dramatic.” – Holy damn cow.  Look who’s talking.  Did you see that press conference.

“You’re laughing at me.” – Honey, Honey, Honey, everybody is laughing at you.


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0 Comments to “Ego Snit Fits is Contagious, Y’all.”

  1. Here’s my theory. Kelleyanne Conway as Trump’s spokesperson must have great appeal to the NASCAR voter. Not because she’s blond, but because she keeps driving around and around and around the point in a big circle, really fast.

  2. 1smartcanerican says:

    Again, the link is not available. Wonder if Trump has had it removed in some way, like he ordered the NPS employees to stop tweeting!

    I was also surprised on AM Joy that she mentioned that Fox, CNN, and MSNBC started Saturday off with full coverage of Trump at church, doing absolutely nothing but sitting there, when they should have been covering the women’s march! Great observation on her part. Lots of discussion on how to cover trump and his “alternate facts” from here on out as well as the need to call out these alternate facts/lies.

  3. Marcia in CO says:

    OMG … love the YouTube video … I have GOT to share this on Facebook … OMG

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    As a resident of a state with legal brothels, nothing should shock me. Right? Then along comes Kellyanne with what she will do on actual live TeeVee. She almost made a man out of Chuck Todd. Scary.

  5. Bud Malonee says:

    She should be selling used cars. A narrow neck full of hot air.

  6. JAKvirginia says:

    So… if she’s going to keep lying, why do you, yeah you MSM, have her on?!

    Y’know, I want to get snarky but I saw all of this coming. I never under-estimate how low some people can go anymore. She lies. He lies. They all lie and will continue to lie. Call. Them. Out. Every. Damn. Time.

    I’m for being polite… but, c’mon, media!

  7. Coprolite says:

    Next door at El Jefe’s I noted that KellyAnne previous clients included, “Vaseline”.

    As a tradition and moment of frivolity, Vaseline gives former consultants a 25 gallon drum of Vaseline upon termination of their contract. (If it isn’t a tradition, it should be.)

    KellyAnne, unlike previous recipients, has managed to successfully use a sizable portion of her parting present to extricate herself from the most idiotic statements, and painful experiences with a smile on her face.

    Could someone from TWMDBS offer a suggestion regarding her hair?

  8. JAKvirginia says:

    Her hair? She got it from a horse’s ass.

  9. Coprolite says:

    JAK, even the hair from a horse’s ass is useful, swishing away flies, painting a picture, applying makeup, tying a fishing fly, or
    buffing your shoes. Maybe a dog comb would be helpful.

  10. How smart can this chick be when she has to work this hard to weave a tangle of snaggles in order to save herself! I really don’t think she is going to last very long on the D.C. scene. She is even having trouble finding a private school that will accept her kids. Its not that the schools hate her kids. They just don’t want to have anything to do with her!

  11. L'Angelomisterioso says:

    @Jane & PKM#10- Kellyanne sure shows the danger of keeping all that disinformation and lying inside.I have no idea how old she really is, but she looks about 10 years older , whatever it is and sounds about 10. I’d not thought of the mAnn Coulter angle, but it’s about right. KA is definitely after her crown.

  12. Jane & PKM says:

    L’Angelomisterioso, @KellyannePolls was born, as an unholy coincidence, on Jan 20, 1967. Pegs her at 50, and as you say looking years worse for the wear. Another week or so with Donnie and she’ll resemble one of those skeletal forensic recreations in clay.

    We didn’t mention Ann Coulter. But that queen of mean has nothing on old Kellyanne. Ann took a pie to the face. But no one bothered to drop a BD cake on Kellyanne. Maybe they’re waiting to have one baked in concrete in the shape of a house and dropped by a tornado.
