Dan Patrick Once Again Fails at Destroying Public Schools

April 11, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Sumbitches

Texas Tribune

Dan Patrick, late of hate radio fame and now our illustrious, Lt. Guv., has once again failed in his quest to allow good Texans to have school choice destroy public education.  Late last week, the House, under last surviving normal person in the Texas GOP, Joe Strauss, approved the budget 103-88 without the “school choice” bill.

Lt. Dan demanded a vote.  He got it.  Boom.



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0 Comments to “Dan Patrick Once Again Fails at Destroying Public Schools”

  1. Dan Patrick made a career out of spewing right bombast. Unfortunately, that and his fundamentalist Christianity are the only things he brings to the table. The man is an imbecile.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Dan Patrick. What is it about the man’s name or pronouncements that one would expect to see his name at a sports book coming in last at a horse race? Two clues: it is not the horse’s hind hooves coming over the line last nor the horse’s tail.

  3. Well, that’s great for Texas, but only temporarily. We still have a new and very expensive Sec of Ed who wants to give a lot of our tax money to private (mostly religious) schools for SOME kids instead of improving the public schools for ALL kids.

  4. Tilphousia says:

    Have none of these evil morons ever heard of SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE?

  5. @ Tilphousia, not if they’re Republicans. But it had better be the “right” church.

  6. The ACLU is having a real time of it coping with the uptick in donations. They’re gonna need all the loose change they can get as this sort of thing is headed to the SCOTUS like a rocket!

  7. That Other Jean says:

    @Tilphousia: Sure, they’ve heard of the separation of Church and State. They’ve been trying to eliminate it for decades, now.

  8. Yeah, but please understand Danny Patrick ain’t yet done: see Chris Tomlinson’s column in today;s Houston Chronicle about how Patrick led the vote to slash public funding for four year colleges and threatened to oppose legislation of any lawmaker who tries to stop him.
    And you can see the lord-high Patrick’s little mind stamp all over the system accounted for in Betsy Devos’ Holy War by Janet Reitman in the March 23, 2017 Rolling Stone magazine, “…church and school and family built on a consistent worldview.”
    Its immediacy will curl your toe nails.
