Chicken! Cluck, Cluck, Cluck…

August 29, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all are gonna love this.

The big tough guy who wants to be Governor just backed out of a debate with a girl.

Republican candidate Greg Abbott has reversed his decision to appear in the only gubernatorial debate scheduled to be broadcast statewide on television.

Yesterday, Abbott lost his beloved public school financing case.  His plan was declared unconstitutional.  Today, he cancels the one and only statewide debate they were going to have.  And, to make matter even more sissy, it was just a roundtable discussion, not a real debate.


Here’s the deal.  On May 22, Abbott accepted the debate terms and place.  On August 3rd, he hired a new debate consultant.  And here’s what the consultant decided —

“Due to our inability to agree on specific details of the format, Attorney General Greg Abbott will regretfully not be participating in the WFAA debate,” Robert Black, a senior campaign adviser said Friday morning.

Oh Lord, the consultant decided that Abbott is Rick Perry without the intelligence.

In response, the teevee station posted a letter sign by the Abbott campaign agreeing to the format of the debate.

What a damn wimp.  Texas cannot have a damn loser wimp for Governor.  I mean, Perry was kinda wimpy going jogging with a handgun and all, but damn – being afraid of a girl, that takes the cake.

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0 Comments to “Chicken! Cluck, Cluck, Cluck…”

  1. JJ, I think Abbot realizes that girls aren’t sissies. And that’s what scares him.

  2. “Negotiating additional issues” – did he want the specific questions that will be asked beforehand so his consultant can give him the correct answers? I’m sure he didn’t want one of his answers to be oops.

  3. OldMayfly says:

    You’re too hard on Mr. Abbott, J-J.

    An inadequate candidate who recognizes his inadequacies will, of course, take pains to conceal them.

    (A honorable man who recognized he is not up to the job would, of course, remove himself from consideration. But we are talking about Abbott.)

  4. Lorraine in Spring says:

    I am so not surprised.

    Now that Greg Abbott has shown us exactly who he is, Wendy Davis should take that time use it as a campaign commercial. Or a town hall.

    We’re having chicken ala Greg Abbott for dinner: Chicken cooked in whine with a side of caca del toro.

    How about you?

  5. Marcia in CO says:

    LOL @ Lorraine … your menu leaves a lot to be desired, as does Greg Abbutt … OMG

  6. When push came to shove, Mr. Abbott couldn’t take the heat.
    Go Wendy!

  7. I get it that you’re shaming Abbott on his own terms, but don’t you feel a bit uneasy using the “girls are weak and you’re a sissy if you can’t beat one up” line? It’s sexist, at its core, and this is Senator Wendy Freakin Davis we’re talking about, not some frilly Anita Bryant acolyte.

    It’s not sissy to be scared of a strong, capable opponent. He may be smarter than he looks.

  8. Juanita Jean says:

    Ex Tex, I plead guilty as changed. Yes, I said something sexist. Yes, I called Wendy Davis “a girl.” And no, Greg Abbott is most certainly not smarter than he looks. I decided that if I was going to shame Greg Abbott, I’d do it in his language so he could understand me.

    By the way, I am totally sexist.

  9. HollyAnna says:

    Lorraine, might I suggest a side of small potatoes and some sort of fruit fool to round out your Greg Abbott menu?

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    That seems about right. The only way Greg Abbott can avoid saying something st00pid is to say nothing.

    Fine! Let the WFAA debate take place without him. That is more time for candidate Davis to discuss her plans to move Texas forward. GO BLUE TEXAS!

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Really Texas? Replace Corn Dog Perry with Dog Slobber Abbott and there will be no end to the Santorum jokes hurled your way by the late night comedians. Seriously, take note on how much of your money Abbott has wasted on frivolous lawsuits. That is ‘fisacal conservatism’ GOP style, tossing your tax dollars down their rat hole to no advantage for you.

  12. Alacrity Fitzhughe says:

    PKM @10
    That is a capital idea. It needs to be pushed to the TV stations. Since it was already set up and scheduled it should continue on even if the gop candidate does not show.

    Just saying…..

  13. If I were running for a major state office and were going to be a coward, I’d keep it well hidden, but not Greg Abbott. He’s letting all of his cowardice hang out. Imho, the voters of TX shouldn’t accept this kind of weaselly behavior from him, but I know many on the right side of the political aisle will.

    The reason they will vote for Abbott is the same reason those on the right voted for the ethically-challenged Nathan Deal for governor here in GA in 2010—“He’s a conservative!”

    Deal has become somewhat of a GOPTP embarrassment of late due to it becoming more widely known that taxpayers have paid more than $4 Million for ethics issues related to his administration, and we’re not finished paying. More ethics-related lawsuits have been filed. When we tried to tell RWers in 2010 that Deal is ethically-challenged, they ignored us and voted him into office anyway. Oooops!!!

  14. This is one debate that would actually be enhanced by just featuring an empty chair.

  15. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Alacrity Fitzhughe, the media needs to step up for sure. If the GOP does a cancel/fear/flee, go on with the show. Then, expect them to whine about equal air time. Roll up the newspaper and smack them on the snout, rub their noses in their own cowardly mess.

    majii, I feel your pain. It’s incredible that the GOP Koch suckers think $Rmoney, Crispy and all the fraudulent criminal governors are serious contenders. Mitch the Koch *itch was exposed, twice and more. That Allison Lundergan Grimes is not now up by 30+ in the polls shows me that st00pid is truly stuck on st00pid.

    Where’s da Chipster? We need a song to the tune of “My Guy” for the GOP. Lyrics to include st00pid, corrupt and flat freaking out of it, with a refrain of bombing for friends and selling out America.

  16. Cheryl Ann says:

    This might be a little off topic, but if we are talking about girls being soft… son has 3 sisters. He had a friend over and Alex backed off a fight with one of them. His friend called him out on it and my son says, “that’s not a girl, its a sister!”.

    Wendy is tough as a sister!

  17. The repunkicans up here in the near-north consider A-butt a showboat. All steam and no boat. They learn their lessons the hardest way possible in that one of their one is up on corruption charges in court. Jury verdict next week.

  18. e platypus onion says:

    One small correction in you headline,Ms JJ,if I might be so bold. You have not been around chickens much,especially setting hens who are contentedly passing their time laying eggs. They don’t cluck. They say Barrrrrack from time to time and when an egg does come out,they scream BARRACK,BARRACK!


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  1. Abbott will duck Dallas debate – Off the Kuff 30 08 14