Blake, The Man With No Plan

December 08, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, now a Republican Congresswoman has asked for the lovely and charming Blake Farenthold to step down.

Rep. Mia Love (R-Utah) wants Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-Texas) to resign from Congress after it was discovered that he used $84,000 in taxpayer money to settle a sexual harassment claim.

“I don’t think he thinks he’s done anything wrong,” Love told CNN Thursday. “But the fact is, someone was paid off. It’s taxpayer dollars that [were] used. This is about people taking responsibility for what they do and changing the culture in Washington.”

No, no, Mia, Honey, he knows he did something wrong. First, he harassed a woman and said crude and vulgar things to her. Then he knows that he paid her off with taxpayer money.  That’s double wrong. He knows it or he wouldn’t have tried to hide it.

Thanks to Ted in Austin for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Blake, The Man With No Plan”

  1. I’m watching MSNBC wherein Blakey-boy told the public he would pay back the 84 grand, but never mentioned when. It is way past time to run that pajama pix on the TV. that should doit.

  2. When I see that picture (over and over), it still gives me shudders to look at the predatory look on that woman’s face. I guess she thought it was sexy. I found it downright scary.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    While it’s well known that Blake is a dim bulb, how difficult is it to write a check payable to the US Treasury? Pay up, then resign ya moocher.

  4. In addition to hundreds of other reasons Pajama Boy should be entertaining crowds of children in the Chuck E Cheese band, here are 84,000 reasons he should not be an elected official. Whatever it takes to eject these never-weres from high office. Then clean their office suites straightaway to remove the foul stench no doubt found therein.

    I hate snacilbupeR.

  5. He tried to hide it because he knew *other people* would think it was wrong, not because HE thought it was wrong. Like Nixon, he was concerned for how things would look, not whether it was morally wrong or not.

    @AK Lynne, I never got to the expression on the woman’s face. One look at the duckies and the leering grin above them and my brain shuts down in self-protection until my eyes can find something else to focus on at some distance away

  6. “I don’t think he thinks he’s done anything wrong,” Love told CNN Thursday.

    Everyone is prison says they’re innocent too. Should we take them at their word and release them? Or does that “dosen’t think he did anything wrong” standard only apply to Republican Congressmen, Senators, and Presidents?

  7. In this endeavor we must give Mia all the support we can.

  8. Some people take a long time to ?earn they aren’t worth a fresh prairie-pie, and that the only reason they were elected was to get them to leave town.

  9. He’s just so stinkin repulsive. Eeuuwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!

  10. I say remove him from office for the pajamas and keep him away from Chuck E Cheese at all costs.

  11. Evidently now at least two other accusations have been forthcoming against Ducky.

  12. That picture belongs on the jumbotron in Times Square and in every newspaper and magazine across the country. Just the sight of that perv in that get up should get him to resign.

  13. Rosemary from Indiana says:

    AK Lynne, I didn’t at all get the impression the woman was looking predatory. She was hired as a lingerie model and was paid to act as if she was having a wonderful time standing next to Duckie Boy. I’m certain he believed she found him breathtakingly attractive and was ready to jump into the sack with that luscious hunk of man.

  14. Mia Love and Barbara Comstock are jumping up and down on Blakey-Boy to resign. Double teaming makes them think they are one up on Kirsten Gillibrand.
