Best I Can Figure, It’s All Just a Word War

January 17, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Damn Twitter.

You know, the upside is that Donald Trump hasn’t gotten us into a weapons of mass destruction war yet – he’s done his fighting with words.  If you think about it, that’s quite impressive considering that Trump doesn’t know very many words outside of: me, wonderful, me, pussy, me, believe me, me, Nazi Germany, me, and unfair.

I dunno if it’s a good idea to get into a word war with the CIA, but I probably suspect it’s not.  However, with Trump holed up with those Breitbart people and every other conspiracy freak in the world, I am kinda surprised he hasn’t gone after the illuminati and ancient aliens.

The CIA director is fighting back.

So here I am kinda confused. As a liberal, I have a natural distrust of the CIA.  As a human being, I have a raging distrust of Donald Trump.  I have to think that Trump is undermining the legitimacy of the CIA so he can form his own CIA with the intent of … I dunno, world domination or some damn thing.

And then when you think, “Nope, this is as low as it goes, it can’t get any worse than this,” we find ourselves in a prostitute war.  Seriously, whore wars with Russia.

First Putin says that those who spread false rumors about Donald Trump are … you guessed it

President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday an unsubstantiated report that alleged Russia had gathered compromising material on U.S. President-elect Donald Trump was a hoax, and slammed those who are propagating the allegations as “worse than prostitutes.”

Taking it from there, Putin also says he does not have compromising pictures of Trump with prostitutes.

The Kremlin has denied that it holds any compromising material on Trump after U.S. intelligence officials informed the president-elect about unsubstantiated reports that Russia had compiled potentially damaging personal information on him.

And if that doesn’t give you a complete picture of the Trump/Putin mind meld, lookie right here.

Trump is “a grown man, and secondly he’s someone who has been involved with beauty contests for many years and has met the most beautiful women in the world,” Putin said. “I find it hard to believe that he rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world.”

If I close my eyes, that’s Donald Trump talking, right? “Ours are the best in the world?”

I’m gonna give myself a heart attack.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Best I Can Figure, It’s All Just a Word War”

  1. Yup. They were separated at birth. May the borscht be with them! Not!

  2. I wouldn’t diss the CIA, if I were Cheeto Tot…he has more to lose than they do.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Donnie is a trooper of the twitter wars. He ends most of his attacks with “Sad!” Translate that to “Donnie has a sad because someone hurt his little fee fees.”

    Meanwhile Vlad isn’t fooling anyone. His third “denial” seems to be an ‘endorsement’ from someone who was there.

  4. Hahaha! Trump is “a grown man” ??? Saz who?

    God catch, those were tiny Don’s words all right, only the best hookers …hahaha.

    At least I’ll die laughing while this psycho monster is destroying the world.

  5. JAKvirginia says:

    Wait a mo… Did Putin say “We have the best ho”?

    Wow. There’s a “Come to Russia” ad right there, no?

    I hear Thailand is a little riled at that. Let the Ho Wars begin!

  6. We all know the beauty pageant and the many wife’s is a cover. To hide his true gay self. [not that their is any thing wrong with that] It the cover up that’s wrong. Now that I have thought of him felliating Putin, I can’t unsee it. Oh well It is a cute image.

  7. Ellen Childress says:

    I stand with John Lewis. One can laugh at and point at Mr. Trump, but we had better take very seriously the terrible trouble that he and our own congressional leaders are pushing our country toward. That is not so funny.

  8. That Other Jean says:

    Of course Putin is going to deny having any compromising information on Trump. If everybody already knows what there is to know and is laughing their asses off (sorry, Momma), whatever you have is useless for blackmail. For Putin to keep his puppet performing, he has to keep him worried about what might still be in Russian hands. For what it’s worth, Trump still sounds worried.

  9. daChipster says:

    What else is interesting about the non-denial denial is “Trump is cavorting with Miss World-class ass, he’d NEVER have to PAY for cheating on his wife when he can just use his power and prestige to coerce them for free.”

    As if that’s an argument in his FAVOR.


    Also, check the victim shaming on trafficked women. loose morals, but our hos are the BEST hos.

  10. Jane & PKM says:

    Hey Donnie, fuggedabout Vlad’s little dossier. You’re about to discover what is worse than a 60 Minutes crew in your driveway. Bad afternoon coming your way, Donnie. Gloria Allred will be holding a presser with a client. Another lawsuit with your name on it. Oops.

  11. Once again I’m reminded of the highlight of the Profumo affair, when Mandy Rice-Davies was told, on the witness stand, that Lord Astor denied having an affair with her or even having met her, and she said (with a reported giggle), “Well, he would, wouldn’t he?”

    According to Wiki, “By 1979, this phrase had entered the third edition of the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, and is occasionally abbreviated as MRDA (‘Mandy Rice-Davies applies’).”

  12. daChipster says:

    Rasty, I’ve been doing a LOT of thinking along those same lines. Both Jung AND Freud linked Don Juanism to the mother complex along with homosexuality and rampant narcissism.

    Without getting into a chicken and egg type of thing, and recognizing that homosexuality is normal but horrified attitudes about it are pathological, and further recognizing the ground-breaking, necessary, but ultimately flawed worldviews of early psycho-analysts…

    …and with apologies to Mama and everyone else for use of the term which I am bout to make use of, usefully…

    I think you could really send Dat Guy around the bend if you made a concerted effort to call him a “faggot” at every point.

    I haven’t used the term since my voice broke, but in my misspent yute at Cat’lick school, it was the worst insult you could throw, especially in an all-guy HS.

    I wonder if the delicate flower of young Narcissus’ authoritarian little heart was crushed by his father and by the other boys at military school?

    And I also recall his close association with the anti-semitic but Jewish, homophobic but gay Roy Cohn, the evil gnome who taught him how to win ugly, every time.

    (sidebar: Cohn was also anti-communist, but could he have been a Russophobic Russophile? and now Putin. hmmm)

    Perhaps the true love of his life was another boy, and every other uber-manly hyper-sexual aspect he’s worn has been a Potemkin Manhood?

  13. They were not prostitutes. The were sparrows.

  14. The interesting thing is how Putin was given the message about “the best hos”? Who’s the messenger, Flynn? or Tillerson?

    I can’t get past Trump’s pouty little round wordhole…

  15. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Hey Rastybob! I think your mental image is wrong. IF the Tangerine Twiterfiend WERE to get together with Vlad the Impaler, you know he’d be just another big ole bottom.

  16. e platypus onion says:

    I do not have compromising pictures of my puppet with my prostitutes. I have compromising pictures of my prostitutes with my puppet.

  17. Marcia in CO says:

    Love this line: Seriously, whore wars with Russia. LOL

    And this: “For Putin to keep his puppet performing, he has to keep him worried about what might still be in Russian hands.” Perhaps NOT what might still be in Russian hands, but just where Russian hands might be! The Puppeteer’s hand is usually up the supposed ass of the puppet!!

  18. Just as an aside, Donnie’s infancy home is on the market. There is a big For Sale sign on the lawn. Its in Queens. Nice neighborhood. Five bedrooms and all the rest of the yadda yadda. Detached garage. Small back yard. Very tight driveway. Some investor bought it last year for over a million and is now trying to sell it to somebody who thinks its a damn shrine for the alt-right. Donnie and the family moved out when he was four years old. His bedroom was the smallest. will not as a pure favor go all Freud, Jung and Adler on that one.

  19. Putin sounds like he’s performing a version of the “Nudge, nudge, wink, wink” skit by Monty Python.

    “Know what I mean? Say no more.”

  20. JAKvirginia says:

    When they go low, we go ho?

    [Forgive me. I’m in a mood.]

  21. Don A in Pennsyltucky, that was the best of many very clever comments here. If that brick and board bookshelf and their fearful leader were half as smart as us the world would be completely awesome! Woo-hoo!

  22. Re: Ho wars with Russia?
    So both sides are sayin’ “our hos are better than yo hos”? Kiddin me??

    Hos keep cropping up around Hair Drumpf. Fer instance I measure his “leadership” skill v. the goal of leading a line of horny sailors to a Nawlins ho house, as non-existent.
