Because There Is a Whoooole Lot of Anger Pinned Up in That Woman

January 24, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Eyewitnesses state that KellyAnne Conway threw a punch at an Inaugural Ball.  Well, actually, a few punches.

Top Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway allegedly punched a tuxedo-clad man at an exclusive inauguration ball just hours after the new commander-in-chief was sworn in, according to a witness.

But the two men wouldn’t break up the fight and Conway apparently punched one of them in the face with closed fists at least three times, according to the stunned onlooker.

Well, ladies, that’s what happen when your dressed like you need to find your damn musket.

If you missed this on Saturday Night Live, you really need to see it.




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0 Comments to “Because There Is a Whoooole Lot of Anger Pinned Up in That Woman”

  1. So who has the bigger, more projective Adam’s apple, Ann Coulter or KellyAnne Conway?

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    From pies to lies, it’s CONway. Coulter might be good for a pie or two, but KellyAnn is the whole bakery shelf of lies. When confronted with the evidence, KellyAnn just spins and spews green stuff. Forget nailing Jello to the wall, the media needs to gear up for nailing vomit to the wall.

  3. How blatantly offensive and disrespectful to the women in the armed services who wear real uniforms with honor.

  4. Let me guess…somebody caller her an f’n liar and made a joke about her Nutcracker coat. Bizarro world is such a strange place to live, eh Kellyass? (Apologies to Mama)

  5. Fistfights at the Trump Liberty Inauguration Ball.

    It’s what winning looks like to us on the outside looking in.

  6. Pardon the intermission but I did not give the correct name of the Trump nominee for SCOTUS on previous posts. Its Neil Gorsuch of Denver CO, nominated to his present post by W. His mother Anne was the EPA Administrator for Reagan and did her best to eviscerate the agency. She lasted 22 months. I call that an omen for this administration. Still think this guy was greatly influenced by the SCOTUS members he clerked for: Whizzer White and Kennedy. Sounds like the making a swing voting justice.

  7. Lunargent says:

    Kate McKinnon is quickly developing into a national treasure.

  8. Conway’s wearing that outfit in David Horsey’s latest cartoon (and scroll down for plenty more):

  9. ‘Ol Kellyanne couldn’t come close to that amazing sparkle and sass in her wildest dreams. She’s kind of like, umm, the Wicked Witch of the West when the water shrunk her into nothing. Her time will come.

    Maybe they could do a hostage exchange since she loves Trump so much. I say, FREE MELANIA!!!

  10. Jane & PKM says:

    AK Lynne, free her? Let’s deport Messalina, until Orange Foolius provides her documents he promised and his tax returns.

    As for KellyAnnePolls, as Donnie would say, “lock her up.”

  11. Look at the varicose veins and the shoes she’s been wearing for 20 years from the looks of them.
    Do you think any of these people think about how they will be remembered in the history books?

  12. WA Skeptic says:

    She looks like she’s been “rode hard and put away wet”; doesn’t she get any sleep? She’s probably up at 0300 trying to keep the phone out of DJT’s stubby little hands.

    And yeah, whoever told her to wear that dress should be banished from the kingdom.

  13. Jane & PKM, at this point I imagine Melanie would welcome anything that would get her out of the clutches of her abusive husband. That is one sorely beaten down woman.

  14. JAKvirginia says:

    JanK: Embiggen that foto and look at those shoes closely. Especially the one to the back. Those points! They’re deadly!!

    In that outfit, she looks like a hostess at the “Les Miserables” ride at Disney Europe. Voulez-vous coucher avec moi (ce soir)?

  15. AliceBeth says:

    If she had any redeeming qualities, I would feel sorry for that outfit, but I don’t. She does look like a worn out, dragged out, chain smoking, drug addicted cheap _____ enter your own choice there. I bet she is much younger than she looks.

  16. As amazing as it is…

    I declare K. Conway to be an even better liar than Drumpf!

    Watch “The Daily Show” from yesterday. Mr. Noah does a sterling job of skewering Kellyanne’s “tells”.

  17. Ooh ooh JAKvirginia: Did you ever see the Lord of the Rings trilogy? Remember the armour that covered the boots of the Nazgul? If you dipped Kellyanne’s shoes in molten iron you’d have an exact replica. Preferably with her feet in them. Maybe up to her knees.

  18. JAKvirginia says:

    P.P.: Perfect!

  19. VintageMomma says:

    Hmmmm, a fist fight at the Tramp Inauguration Ball – were the Palins there?

  20. in the bad old days, people like Ms. Conway were commonly referred to as “white trash”, or “trailer park trash”, not fit for decent company of any persuasion.

    no doubt her mother is proud.

  21. Do we really want to go after Conway because some find her unattractive? Are her looks what really matters (hint: no)? Let’s leave such talk to Cheeto Jesus, OK?
    I hate her endless stream of lies and the mental corruption necessary to generate them, not the way she looks, although I grant the Little Drummer Girl outfit seems very odd.
