And the Winner Is … May I Have the Ethics Report, Please?

November 23, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I know Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen told you that the worse report filed at the Federal Election Commission was Ben Carson’s Oct. 15th financial report, but wait just a damn minute.

Ted Cruz beat that with one brain tied behind his back!

Take a look at this whopper.  A 35 page letter outlining mistakes / omissions / outright lies from Td Cruz’s latest filing.

There’s some interesting names in this report, but the best one for me is #1 on the first page of the attachment – The Andy Meyers Campaign.  I am fairly certain that Andy would give Ted his kidney and his firstborn just for a little attention.

Thanks, Alfredo!


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0 Comments to “And the Winner Is … May I Have the Ethics Report, Please?”

  1. Doesn’t Mrs. Rafael Cruz do his fund raising for him?
    What a racket. They should be made to pay the money back with interest.

    Do as I say, not as I do.

  2. Does Alfredo know of any sanctions relating to these obviously unlawful actions? Is this just something that is noted but not acted upon? Anyone know?

    The nerve of this cretin, so blatant.

  3. At some time, and hopefully very soon, a police officer will begin a conversation with Raphael with the line “You have the right to remain silent..” and it will quickly go downhill for Raphael from there. I would trade 75% of my remaining years of life to be the police officer hooking him up.

  4. Juanita Jean says:

    JaneE – I hate to be the one to say this but the FEC rarely fines anyone. They have been sending letters to my local GOP for six months asking for an explanation of why they are $22,000 in debt. They just send the same letter every month.

  5. The director of the FEC has stated publicly, on a TV interview, that the FEC has absolutely NO means of fulfilling it’s stated purpose.

    We’re f***ed when it comes to keeping politicians honest.

  6. I’m afraid this is likely to be like the IRS taking action against the tax-free donations to churches that openly take political positions and tell their congregations how to vote– i.e. go for it, folks, we ain’t enforcing squat!

    And the poor pitiful RWNJs keep screaming that the IRS and the big bad guvmint is persecuting them….

  7. So he doesn’t have to return the money which went way over the individual limits because the FEC won’t do anything but send letters. This ought to be headlined in the national news.

  8. Marge Wood says:

    I have a lot to learn. What is this “Excessive, Prohibited, and Impermissible Contributions??

  9. Larry McLaughlin says:

    There is a Ko, David listed. Do they not know how to spell Koch?

  10. Linda Phipps says:

    I couldn’t wade through all of the “impermissible” contributions, mostly because I got stuck on having to show a “refund check” … Any darn fool knows you can write all the checks in the checkbook, that doesn’t mean you actually sent them in. Proof should be in the form of the check actually presented for payment.
