A Picture’s Worth …

July 19, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Her name is Ashley Smith.  She’s transgender.


The Governor doesn’t know that, nor does he even suspect it.

So, who will stop her from entering the women’s restroom?

Ashley, you go girl!


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0 Comments to “A Picture’s Worth …”

  1. Marcia in CO says:

    Well, if Greggie looks in at the Salon, he might get a shock if he sees that picture. LOL Or, if he should try pulling a Trump move on Ashley and cop a feel and she hasn’t had the surgery yet … he might be able to tell but he seems to be pretty dense, so he might not know what’s at hand … so to speak!

  2. Well!!! Look that! This may be on of the very best ways of fighting the nastiness of Gregitis! Or whoever’s itis. Go, Ashley!

  3. Well, that’s going to piss off (in and out of the bathroom) the ruling elite of Texas. Prejudicial treatment of transgender people is going to be harder than it looks. Maybe they can force voters including transgender people to bring birth certificates to the polling station? If Republicans can’t figure out how to control the toilets, at least they can try and stop them from voting unless a man looks like a man, or a woman looks like a woman. Your papers pleeeasse…

  4. The sand in the axle of his right wheel will merit an investigation.

  5. The operational elephant in the room for Abbott’s Peckerchecker Bill.

  6. 1toughlady says:

    Epic troll of Abbot! You’re my hero, Ashley!

  7. ColoMtnWoman says:


    “Epic troll of Abbot! You’re my hero, Ashley!”

    Yeah..THAT! You go, girl!

  8. Oh, I do hope Abbott finds out. I’d like to see the look on his face.

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    Teabangelicals like Greg are fond of some myth they call the laying on of hands. Sadly Ashley’s compassionate touch that she bestowed upon Greg won’t transfer some of her ample compassion to Greg’s compassion void.

    That needy little man, if he sincerely believes, needs one (maybe 6 or more) of those LONG weekend retreats devoted to him praying for all the human capacities & qualities he lacks.

    She’s a VERY nice lady. Knowing all of his ignorant stances, she treated him with kindness. Ashley may or may not self describe as a Christian, but she is a galaxy above so many in her actions.

  10. cooties…………..Cooties…………………..COOTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Sure hope Ashley has a bar of lye soap to wash the stench of abbott off.

  11. Exactly…

  12. UmptyDump says:

    Greg’s big discovery.

