Archive for May, 2012

I’m Rubber and You’re Glu … Rubber, Too

May 29, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

And speaking of Donald Trump ….

Y’all, I just love intellectual, well-reasoned disagreements between two grown men.

ABC News’s George Will and Donald Trump traded insults on Sunday, after the commentator said he didn’t understand why Mitt Romney would hold campaign with Trump. Will called Trump a “bloviating ignoramus” and said that Trump is “redundant evidence that if your net worth is high enough, your IQ can be very low and you can intrude on American politics.” Trump jumped to Twitter to defend himself, saying “George Will may be the dumbest (and most overrated) political commentator of all time. If the Republican listen to him, they will lose.”

George, Honey, Mitt is going to lose no matter who he campaigns with.  Don’t get carried away here.

And face it, if Trump gets to be the keynote speaker at the Republican National Convention, it will be the most watched speech of all time.  Not in a good way, of course, but people will watch it.

Thanks to David for the heads-up.

Just My Humble Opinion

May 29, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you cannot stand up the Donald Trump’s insane ravings, then maybe being the leader of the free world is not your calling.

Romney told reporters Monday:

You know, I don’t agree with all the people who support me and my guess is they don’t all agree with everything I believe in. But I need to get 50.1 percent or more and I’m appreciative to have the help of a lot of good people.

So, you know, if Ted Kaczynski or Sister Souljah wants to endorse him, that’s just fine.

Look, if Romney would make deals with the devil to be President, maybe he ought to be required to get a pitch fork and cloven hoofs.

But hey, he and Donald have a lot in common  – they both like to fire people.

Today Is Primary Election Day in Texas

May 29, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, we are finally holding a primary election in Texas, barring any last minute changes by Republicans legislators.

I’m on call for fist fights, mud wrestling, or the gunfight at the Holy Mother and Blessed Child voting location.  I’ll post any good rumors I hear today and let you guys go check them out.

Hang on, Locals, and let’s get through this with as little biting as possible.

And He’s Also Responsible for Chocolate and Putting the Star Atop the San Jacinto Monument.

May 28, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sometimes PolitiFact Texas makes me crazy.

They claim to seek the truth in political ads, but sometimes they are just so far off base that it’s comical.

That happened again today.

Jeff Wentworth, a Republican State Senator, ran a teevee ad stating that “he restored prayer and the pledge in our schools.”

That, of course is not true.  The story correctly reports that in 1962, the Supremes barred prayer in schools.  Wentworth says that  he was referring to a 2003 piece of legislation he authored as being the “restored prayer” he was talking about.

Well, he caught himself a bad case of Mitt Romney because that’s not what he said in 2003.

Wentworth said during the 2003 legislative session that the minute-of-silence requirement was not a move to bring organized prayer back into the classroom.  “The goal is to instill loyalty and patriotism in public school students, and give them the opportunity to have 60 seconds of quiet at the beginning of the school day” Wentworth was quoted as saying in an April 9, 2003, Dallas Morning News news article.

The story also quoted Wentworth as saying: “It is not school prayer. The language of the bill is very clear about that. … It would not allow audible prayer.”

Hummmm … Not school prayer in 2003, very much school prayer in 2012.

Plus, you’ve got the problem that nobody has ever disallowed the pledge in Texas schools.

So, what does PolitiFact say?  Half-True.

This rating was brought to you by the letters W, T, and F.

Our ruling

Wentworth authored a measure mandating a daily chance for students to pray, though school-led or organized prayers like the ones of his youth remain unconstitutional. Also, Texas lawmakers affirmed the right of students to pray or meditate on their own nearly a decade earlier.

Aside from requiring students to be quiet for a minute, the Wentworth-originated law resulted in students reciting the pledge, as his ad says, though it seems like that had was already occurring in some schools.

Finally, Wentworth did not personally achieve the touted changes, though he was a key advocate.

We rate his claim Half True.

How the dickens do you get half-true out of that?  That is no-true.  No prayer, no pledge, no bragging rights.

Gee, Guys, what the hell does it take to Facts from PolitiFact?

In The Regular World, It’s Called a Gay Bar

May 28, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Those wacky Catholics!

They have decided that gay male Catholics will be just fine if they just “football-up.”  They are sponsoring a sport’s camp for gay men.

Courage, a Catholic group that encourages people with same-sex attraction to remain celibate, is holding its 13th annual sports camp in which “men physically compete on the field while enriching their souls through a daily regimen of prayer, confessions, mass, and the Liturgy of the Hours,” according to the group’s website.

And why would they do this?

Therapist Paul Kleponis of the Institute for Marital Healing in West Conshohocken has said at Courage conferences that he believes homosexuality was rooted in childhood rejection and trauma and that through therapy people could develop an attraction for the opposite sex. He declined to comment for this story.

Some of that rejection, at least for men, can be linked to failure at sports, the group maintains.

Well, danged.  So what you’re telling me is that there are no gay professional athletes.  I did not know that.

So, you get a bunch of gay guys together, playing a hot sweaty game of tackle and what could possibly go wrong?

Y’all, it’s a Catholic gay sports bar.

I think that’s pretty cool, but I think they should call it that.

Thanks to Ralph for the heads-up.

Do Like Mitt Said. If You Don’t Have $20,000 to Start Your Business, Borrow It From Your Dad

May 27, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I want you to meet Diane Tran.  She’s 17 years old and lives with one of her employers in Montgomery, Texas, a cabal of Republicanism where they even want a proper drape on Michelangelo’s David because his wee-wee shows.  Seriously.

Dianne is an honors student taking dual credit U.S. History, dual credit English Literacy, College Algebra, Spanish Language AP. She also works part time and full time jobs at a dry cleaners and a wedding venue. Her parents divorced and disappeared. She lives with her employer’s family. The money she earns goes to an older brother at Texas A&M and a younger sister living with relatives in Houston.

She spent the night in jail.

What heinous crime did she commit?  She missed too much school. She often stays up until 7:00 am doing homework and falls asleep in class.  This community of Super DeLux Brand Christians were apparently so distracted that a statue of David had an actual weenus  showing that they did not notice a 17 year old honors student supporting her entire family while making the honor roll.

So, they put her lazy butt in jail.

The Honorable Republican Judge Lanny Moriarty wanted to make an example of Diane.

“If you let one run loose, what are you gonna’ do with the rest of ’em?,” said Judge Lanny Moriarty. “Let them go too? A little stay in the jail for one night is not a death sentence.”

Lanny, Dude, she is not running loose.  Lanny, Dude, this baby girl needs help, not punishment.  Open your damn Republican wallet with a sledgehammer, Lanny, and give this child a couple bucks.  Hold one of those golf tournaments you Republicans love and let this baby girl sleep in the locker room while you Christian boys drink some beer and slap each others hineys.

The wise Judge Moriarty also gave Diane a $100 fine.  Lanny, Dude, that’s not helping the situation.

Republicans just don’t get it.  They really don’t.

He made her an example, okay.  He did.  He made her an example of the cruelty and meanness the Republican Party brings to the American arena.

You can contact the good Republican Judge on Tuesday being your usual kind selves and ask if you can send a couple of bucks to him to help pay Diane’s fine.  But you want some kind of proof that it went toward her fine and not his wallet with the chain and double lock around it.

Lanny better pray he can take his money with him and that Sweet Jesus takes bribes because that’s the only way he’s gonna get to heaven.

Thanks to all the folks who sent me this very creepy story.